Crash on Fedora 22 (Steam version)

Discussion in 'Mac and Linux' started by zaidka, July 17, 2015.

  1. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Blegh, sorry that it's being such a pain for you to get this game running... I had high hopes it would be fixable by finding the offending shader to stop the crashing, but now you get all these weird artifacts in-game as well. Does changing the Graphics settings in the PA settings screen have any effect?

    In any case, regarding the logs for Coherent, PA has a parameter called "--coherent-log-level", so if you start PA as
    ./PA --coherent-log-level TRACE
    then it should show a heck of a lot more. (See ./PA --help for the other values for that parameter)
  2. zaidka

    zaidka New Member

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    @DeathByDenim, thanks for trying to help, but I've lost the interest in trying to get it to work. I can't say I'm disappointed though because this exactly the kind of response I expected from the devs.

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