I can't bring myself to listen to it just yet. But apparently it's quite something... http://www.thejimquisition.com/2015...im-sterling-and-digital-homicide-hash-it-out/ EDIT: Right listened to the whole thing... It's quite something.
I'm about twenty minutes in and it's...strange. But still entertaining somehow. When they looked up the definition of a leech together i lost it.
Jesus Christ, all he does is change the subject and interrupt Jim. It's like watching a Fox interview, only in reverse.
After listening to the whole interview, I can kind of see where Digital Homicide is coming from a little bit, he just failed to communicate it in a particularly sane way. The whole idea of Jim's fans raiding his forums and attacking him really isn't a good thing. It can definitely be seen as a personal attack on the guy behind Digital Homicide (especially considering the ferocity of some assholes on the internet, I'm sure D.H. saw the occasional death threat, especially after the DMCA takedown). The problem with the way he presented that argument is that he made it look like it was all Jim's fault, which it simply isn't. Short of withholding information on who made the game and what the game was called, Jim really can't stop people from doing those things, no one can. That's pretty much where my agreement with him begins and ends, though.
There were a couple of moments where I thought "well he kinda sorta maybe has a bit of a point there Jim..." and then he kept talking and proved himself to be insane. Regardless, this has only cemented their reputation as low-quality devs who can't take criticism and don't understand what the hell they're doing.
Some crazy nutter managed to actually type out a full transcript. http://www.scribd.com/doc/270508471/Transcript She deserves a friggin' medal for managing to do that. Holy bugger.
just recently news came up that digital homicide wants to sue jim sterling ... and appearantly they try to collect donations for that ..