My Wish List for Asteroids and Planet Smashes

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by mikeyh, June 25, 2015.

  1. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    Uber please add more flexibility and game play options for map makers... here's my wish list.

    New Concepts
    • shockwaves that extend outside impact crater possibly killing all units on planet
    • new radio buttons in system editor for halleyable planets and asteroids:
      • planet destroyer (default for planets)
      • planet wide killer (default for asteroids)
      • mass / radius (similar to existing approach for technical map makers)
    Also please keep planet collisions including incidentals.

    Planet Destroyers

    Entire planet is destroyed.
    • annihilaser
    • halleyed planet or asteroid with the planet destroyer option in system editor
    • halleyed planet or asteroid with appropriate mass / radius
    Planet Wide Killers

    Shockwave kills all units on planet and leaves an unusable impact crater based on mass / radius.
    • halleyed planet or asteroid with the planet wide killer option in system editor
    • halleyed planet or asteroid with appropriate mass / radius
    Planet can be repopulated outside of impact crater.

    Base Killers

    Shockwave kills all units in an area outside impact zone and leaves an unusable impact crater based on mass / radius.
    • halleyed planet or asteroid with appropriate mass / radius
    Base can be rebuilt outside impact craters.

    Impact Craters

    I'm OK with existing impact craters as long as they are unusable and continue to prevent rebuilding within the crater.


    Shockwaves are the unit killers that extend outside the impact crater and can be planet wide with the planet killer option or appropriate mass / radius.

    Mass / Radius

    This is a great option for technical map makers but needs some documentation for what determines:
    • planet destruction
    • impact crater size
    • shockwave size
    User Interface

    Visually I would show these options using different coloured halley icons over the planet biomes:
    • red (planet destroyer)
    • green (planet wide killer)
    • blue (mass / radius)
    Last edited: June 25, 2015
  2. andrehsu

    andrehsu Active Member

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    Oooohhh yeah, keep craters and make shockwaves that maybe create cracks that kills everything on the planet, spicing up the gameplay and this makes rehabilitating an interesting concept. Oh the possibilities
    Clopse likes this.
  3. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    yupp pretty much agree with everything
  4. veep

    veep Member

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    This is good.
  5. daviddes

    daviddes New Member

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    I'm not sure about the 'kill all' shock wave. "Planet wide killer" asteroids and planets become more valuable than "Planet Destroyers", even though they require less halleys. Make the shockwave a limited area or damage so that the defenses of the planet are crippled. (all t1 units destroyed, all other units minimal heath etc). This would require an invasion along with the halley impact.
    Greendolph likes this.
  6. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    The shockwave could be similar to a nuke explosion leaving only the commander with low health.

    In reality the impact of a very large asteroid could easily generate a blast radius with a planet wide shockwave causing earthquakes and extinction events. Earth like biomes would also experience hurricanes, tsunamis and possible biospheric changes such as vaporisation of ocean surface and/or extended winters (cooling and darkening of skies) depending on the impact zone.
  7. bengeocth

    bengeocth Post Master General

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  8. youngcrivvens

    youngcrivvens New Member

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    As someone in the other thread said, smashing vs cratering is probably better as a function of relative size rather than absolute value (that's how it works now I think?). Two 250 radius moons colliding should probably wipe them both out, but a 250 radius moon into a max size planet, maybe not.

    A simpler way of representing this would probably be a good idea though.
    Also, what if damage was cumulative? One asteroid craters a tiny moon, but a second one destroys it? Smashing a tiny moon into a maximum size planet will only cause a big crater, but a couple more asteroids will finish the job? This would reduce the value of the smash-and-grab tactics due to the ease another player would have in destroying the planet completely if you heavily invest. Put that with what I said above and you could represent each planet's toughness in how many asteroid impacts it can take, and halleyable planets would show show how many asteroid impacts they count as.
  9. jables

    jables Uber Employee

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    See my response to most of this in the asteroids thread.

    it comes down to most of what is being asked for being out of scope for what we can do on the feature. I'd like to keep the talk to one thread however, so I'll be responding there once back at Uber.
    xankar and cdrkf like this.
  10. NikolaMX

    NikolaMX Active Member

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    link to Asteroid thread?
  11. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Took me two seconds of searching to find. You can do it.
  12. NikolaMX

    NikolaMX Active Member

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    I searched and there are literally tens of threads, wouldn't be asking otherwise
  13. mwreynolds

    mwreynolds Well-Known Member

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  14. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    You search for topics with the word "asteroids" in the title, and the first page has a topic started by jables in the same month he responded here.
    NikolaMX likes this.

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