That would be nice. We need more boats in the tub. And our current dawgs don't swim to well if I recall.
They do, I use this quite frequently on Pacific. They can lay mines in water too, although the collision radius seems much smaller than on land so fleets can go through mine fields with mixed results. It's useful for blocking mex construction - but not enough that I've ever tried it competitively.
Do the mines actually float? Otherwise that might be a little strange.... And by swimming, do they actually....swim? Or do they walk on the sea floor?
The mines are....weird. Sometimes they kill surface boats, sometimes they don't. They look like surface mines to me but I haven't looked too closely. And no, you're right, the dogs don't swim.
You can add "passive_health_regen":100 to a unit to give them a constant health regen. It's not in use for any unit yet I think, but you can mod it in easily, it works It also means free metal because if you reclaim the unit he just regenerates the hitpoints right back, and you can keep that up forever if you balance it.
The mines are built on the sea floor because they don't inherit collision layers like most other buildings do.
I develop the biggest PA overhaul mod in existence, the reasons I have for going through vanilla files are legion.