Even though it hasn't quite started yet, it will soon. And this is labelled as an E3 trailer so that's a good enough excuse to make this thread early, right? It's... cute? My first reaction: Spoiler
Considering you are connected to the internet, the largest network of information in the known universe, and the fact that you can find just about any specific piece of information using a search engine which will give you a result in a matter of seconds... Yes. Yes it is. .
Extremely hyped for Dishonored 2. First one was great. Fallout 4 looks pretty cool too, but I'm not sure I like that Mass Effect dialogue thing. EDIT: Also, some people are actually complaining that Emily being the assassin in Dishonoured 2 is just "feminist/SJW pandering". Forget the fact that it makes perfect sense story-wise.
I don't think the dialogue selecting thing will look like that in fallout 4 for PC. It just makes sense for consoles. So freakin' hyped for being able to make my own little towns.. <3 And of course they are, people are stupid. =P
XB1 Backwards compatability in Dec. (Uber, approve so I can play MNC again. k thanks.) Fallout 4 coming Nov 10. Mass Effect Andromeda announced 2016.
I loved the Battlefront Demo until I started to think about it. So I've decided to lay off thinking and just bask in the glory of a high-res SWB with amazing sound effects.