1. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    You see we used to be able to deal with issues in ta. Ok a few troll noobs would try out exploits when they heard of them, but anyone experienced knew not to, especially in competitive ranked games.

    The 'if its in players will use it' is an excuse, usually made by the sorts of idiots who indulge in these things. The point is games (like anything in life) are seldom perfect. if players want a game to succeed they need to learn to play it in a way that is rewarding to all players. If there are exploits the choice to play fair or ruin the online experience for everyone for cheap laughs lie with the players, as does the future of the game.
  2. wilhelmvx

    wilhelmvx Member

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    We used to ....see there is the problem the times are changing. (not for the better necessarily)
    Im against abuse of bugs exploits etc. but especially the ranked game usually suffers the most from it.
    Have you never played any shooters ? Never had any cheaters ?

    I really do think as soon as a game reaches a certain size the devs should try to minimize possible exploits

    Now to be honest I don´t think this "mine" problem is a gamebreaking bug that will ruin the experience for months to come. So there is little left to say imho.

    Fixed on the PTE : See thats what im talking about ;P
    Last edited: June 5, 2015
    cdrkf likes this.
  3. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Oh I know how bad games can be... the pa community is pretty good tbh, just making the point as its not a forgone conclusion all gaming communities have to be cess pits.

    Players pick up the ethos of a game imo, which is why I try a promote the concept of players still having a responsibly to be decent to each other. You never know it might rub off on someone...

    Seriously though the communities for things like space engineers, kerbal, as well as many of the space sims have all proven pretty nice (in my experience anyhow)... I think shooters attract more of the trolls.
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    There is a wide span between "acceptable weird quirk that actually can be fun" and "totally gamebreaking stupid bug that makes the game pointless". Defining where that is isnt actually that easy.

    I mean "mines can only be killed by infernos" does in fact sound like a valid gameplay concept to me.
    cdrkf likes this.
  5. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Yeah fair enough, the mines probably isn't that bigger issue. Got a bit off topic haha.

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