Will this game ever catch on?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by vortexcontinuum, February 19, 2011.

  1. MumO19

    MumO19 New Member

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    What Mail said...
    I can say that i'm perhaps a bit surprised that MNC hadn't caught on more, but it does have a learning curve whereas mainstream games that appeal to the masses have this curved shot, poisoned and then flattened with a steamroller. I think there may be a part of the reason there.
    Let's face it, the gaming community got way bigger, wanting to appeal to the masses and therefore it has to become easier and more approachable; and you gotta have insta-action, but most people don't want to suck at it even if it's their first try.

    Of course, the staying power of MNC is the learning curve, and the fact that you can constantly keep getting better (at least i hope so, because i still suck :lol: ). But that means it will not be so attractive to most people, let's just hope there's enough of us that appreciate this sort of thing. God knows i basically forced a friend to buy it and sent out a guest pass to the one that was too far away to take my threats seriously :evil:

    Sorry for the rant, i'm just excited that i'm actually that excited to write a post about the game :)
  2. Sefam

    Sefam New Member

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    More shitty *** microtransactions and Pay10$ForEverySingleGameplayElement or Play60-HoursToGetOneGameplayElement sort of marketing ploys.

    I don't respect game companies that do that anymore, it's a really cheap way to nickel and dime your customers and in the end everyone feels screwed. Those who don't pay have to play an insane amount of hours, and those who pay have to pay insane prices.
  3. Nokturnal

    Nokturnal New Member

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    Besides advertising, the best way to appeal to more people would probably be more maps (definitely) and more game modes (obviously by the horrible players I've encountered, people don't understand the whole pushing a lane strategy of Crossfire)
  4. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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    As Monday Night Combat (PC) gets more maps, and develops a competitive scene, it should hopefully pick up.

    I think what's lacking in this game a little is that "next level" that really drives players to get better and become a part of the community.

    Hopefully developing a competitive scene and making gameplay media related to MNC more available to everyone would help show everyone how great and full of depth this game is.
    To put it in perspective, I actually had trouble finding Xenorox's channel on youtube. XP
  5. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    So am I, to be honest. Mind linking it?
  6. WylieTimes

    WylieTimes New Member

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  7. vortexcontinuum

    vortexcontinuum Active Member

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    Yeah, there's some garbage music before his videos pop up...

    But I really do think more maps would help. A lot more maps.
  8. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    time to introduce 3-lane maps!?
  9. s3rv0

    s3rv0 New Member

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    Look to TF2 for the answer: Add addictive RPG elements like persistent stats (endorsements hint at this, but lack true depth and customizability), and regular dosages of new content (i.e. gamer crack).
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    ^This part of it.

    This game is great. On pc it's more questionable than I thought, it appears that more people are either used to co-op games, or valve-friendly games. On xbox, it's a lot more fitting with the theme of other xbox popular games (black ops and stuff).
  11. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    I agree, WE play it for the gameplay because we either like the models or don't mind them. Is it that hard to understand that a lot of people DON'T like how the characters look so they won't even give the game a try? Simply by adding alternative models that appeal to more people, the community will expand at a higher rate. Maybe you're satisfied with the community being small, but some of us actually want the game to grow.
  12. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Alternative models aren't going to make the game grow, and frankly I haven't seen a single complaint about the appearance of the classes before now. I have no idea why you think this is a problem, besides which you completely ignored the second part of my post. If you have an issue with the models you should raise it in the feedback and issues section, not here.
  13. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    Learn to read. I don't have a problem with the models, but I can understand why a lot of people do. Of course you won't read about it in forums because they don't play. They won't even consider trying out the game because they don't like the look. If you want the game to grow, I suggest you look at the POV of potential players, not just within the community.
  14. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    What people are you talking about exactly? I've heard literally nothing about it. Besides, with modding support it will probably be easy for them to make their own skins and remodels. I don't think the entire visual aesthetic should change just because some idiot thinks it should look more like gears of war or something.
  15. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    And I don't think its fair, to assume that people that want it to look like gears of war, are idiot's.

    Though I don't agree with his point.. Just saying.
  16. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I'm saying that anyone who thinks their own vision of what the game should look like is better than what's thematically appropriate with the setting, gameplay elements, and voice overs is just a bit short sighted.

    If some dude wants his MNC to look like super gritty post apocalypse, let him do it with the modding tools once they come out instead of wasting the developer's time on something that will net them no new players.
  17. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    I'll quit playing when only two people max show up online.
  18. fischbs

    fischbs New Member

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    Who has problems with the models? Support looks so similar to Fat Mike from NOFX it blows my mind.

  19. Kel

    Kel New Member

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    I play MNC only for the game mod, I really don't like the models and only 5 maps really sucks. But the only 3D Dota-Clone out there, so I have to play ;)

    But if there won't come out some more maps or a editor in the next 2-3 weeks, I will quit until there is more than a low-end game which becomes boring after a while for me.
    No fun with 5 maps.
  20. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    It doesn't matter if you like it or not, you're already hooked. Understand? What matters is a huge number of potential players won't even try this game out because some of the models look ugly to them. Adding a few different models that would be more appealing would attract a huge player base. Why would that be bad? Only reason you wouldn't like it if you don't want the game to grow.

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