Ok, so it was actually much simpler than any of us though. As soon as the game starts, right after you spawn, purchase your skills. Now and this is key, avoid hitting the following keys at any time: W, A, S, D. Lets see him head shot you now.
http://www.canonical.org/~kragen/tao-of ... html#book8 8.2 (no direct anchor) Should have worded it better but I do make sense.
My name is Cali and I support this message. Seriously, it's win-win. You stop playing the game and being frustrated over losing all the time, and we stop having to deal with you people mucking up the game balance by using up important player slots that could, instead, be used by people who can play the game. In fact, you probably should stop playing most games. Cause you're gonna keep losing in those too and, really, we're going back to things you can't deal with (i.e.: almost everything short of a water pistol) being OP.
Tiny, please try to use a gold armor, silver rate, bronze skill regen tank? No more headshots, no more problems. Charge between cover, killing bots. Kill bots from nearby your base. I just want to know, do other people seriously consider the sniper that big of a threat? He doesn't do a great job at ALL on bots OR turrets, ESPECIALLY turrets. If you can't dash along cover with armor-tank, assault, or assassin, killing bots better, and breaking turrets (snipers just can't break turrets if ANYONE is watching them like they should). I am just trying to recommend things I notice to work.
This thread is dildos, and not funny. But I lold' because the Sniper really is that retardedly broken.