Hey guys, recently I was browsing some random gaming websites and found out about this game in development. Cossacks 3. Never played Cossacks 2 and 1 but this looks awesome. Looks like AOE on a large scale. Anyway here's the polygon article and game website respectively. Let me know what you guys think, personally I'm hyped http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/5/18/8615339/cossacks-3-announcement-release-date-gsc-stalker http://www.cossacks3.com/
I read old Canard PC and such that I still have in my closet about Cossacks 2. I find it quite daring of them to stick to their guns (by that I mean 2D) in 2015, but eh they'll probably have success. I don't personally feel interested.
Cossacks 1 was the first RTS game with a scale comparable to SupCom and PA. I hadn't heard of TA at the time. So keen to see how this pans out.