My (possibly disastrous) attempt to build a PC

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by teju__, December 14, 2013.

  1. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Tatsu I'm not anti Linux in any way (I run Ubuntu dual boot with Windows). My point is though that Windows does offer access to a lot of good software, and it's not terrible in my experience. Microsoft are a big corporation and have a bad habit of throwing their weight around which earns them a bad name, however lately they've been trying to improve that and are considerably better than some other large tech companies who are currently in the process of trying to *kill off all the legal music streaming services* so they can get a leg up with their new service due out later this year....

    I can't actually think of the last truly terrible thing MS pulled off (they did push their luck with the XBONE but to give them credit they corrected those mistakes).
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    @cdrkf no I just meant you said you could never give a linux to your aunt and that made me think of that (because I think that statement is utter bs :p)

    I didn't forget you have linux don't worry.

    and I'd like to retort.

    for the most part linux offers access to a lot of the same software. Some of which in the latest versions windows users don't even have access to yet (vlc, rar, 7z, ffmpeg...)

    I'm a fervent windows AND linux user so I know EXACTLY what the list of programs I don't have acess to on linux looks like.

    Right now counting wine it's summed up (within the list of the best programs) to : Office suite, Adobe suite, Autocad Suite.

    And the list grows thinner everyday.

    Office is already something you can stream or emulate with no performance losses. and they're talking about a linux port.

    adobe emulates but, well... it's not enough, i want it native.

    as for the rest most are games.

    I'm thinking in particular of GTA V or Star Citizen (for the moment)

    all the rest run fine on linux.

    it's really not as grim as it used to be. And thanks to Gabe Newell's constant efforts, we're seeing a change of the mentality that may ultimately lead adobe, microsoft and autocad to change their mind about an eventual linux port.

    as for the game's industry : it got the damn memo. You don't see many game being announced nowadays without linux support.

    I mean have you guys taken a look at the linux steam library lately??

    2127 out of 11408 that's... well... 18% but still a damn lot! with all the best of them in there!

    portals, half life's, counter strikes, super meat boy, gary's mod, team fortress, borderlands, all the civilization's, cities skylines, Xcom's, Hotline Miami, Towerfall, total war's, Metro's, Bioshok's, System Shock's, Wargame's, KSP, all the witchers i shouldn't start lsiting or I'll be there awhile.
    Last edited: May 11, 2015
    teju__ and cdrkf like this.
  3. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Well, I appreciate the input @tatsujb, but after looking at some of my currently most anticipated games (Dirty bomb, Overwatch (ok that isn't even out, but it seems like there won't be a linux version until quite late in development...if ever) and most importantly Reflex) which don't natively support linux at this point (Reflex probably will at some point, but I have no Idea when) and the fact that I'm very used to windows and never really had many issues with it, I'll probably remain a microsoft peasant for the time being.

    I'm still not quite sure about my choice in gpu, but as I have no intentions to buy a larger monitor any time soon (I'd probably upgrade my refreshrate rather than my resolution), the gtx 970 still doesn't seem so bad. Well, as I said, if all else fails I'll just resort to flipping a coin...and then later chafe about making the wrong decision. :rolleyes:
  4. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    @teju__ well I insist, you should stick with the r9 and if nvidia get punished harshly for their bad commercial practices when nobody helps them empty the stocks it's only natural.

    flipping a coin? heck why not? :p

    as for the O.S. good on you. Knowing what you want and prefer is important. I don't pretend to convert anyone here.

    As I said I also use windows (be it emulated, partly emulated or booted) and respects it's assets. I merely wanted to debunk a few myths.

    about reflex :
    apparently it will be. So it's the early access debate all over again. do I want it now? or do I want the full experience?

    I can understand, you don't see me joining PA when it's done. (it still isn't IMO)

    EDIT: overwatch :

    Last edited: May 12, 2015
    teju__ likes this.
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    oh it's a blizzard game.... that explains the huge cashflow I'm seeing. but if it's blizzard than linux is a possible eventuality. All their games are ported to mac.

    I don't quite understand why they pour this massive amount of money into porting for mac (a much harder process then porting for linux) then not "finish the job", so to say, by making a linux port as well (once you've done a mac port you can take that and it's basically 90% of your linux port).
  6. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    Yeah, well I definitely know I want reflex now...actually, I would've wanted it a while ago already x)
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    from what I've seeing dirty bomb on linux is also entirely possible. It's just a question of the devs being motivated enough. So if you or someone else creates a thread to start pestering them for it that'll be all that's needed to make them do it.

    Can't quite call it full house as I'm assuming from what I've seen that Blizzard will stand by it's habits but....


    we were proven wrong once....

    people use to say we'd NEVER EVER see a blizzard game on mac.
  8. teju__

    teju__ Active Member

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    My framerate while typing this post is pretty damn high. :D
    I actually ended up not building it myself, due to a distinct lack of confidence in my hardware handling skills, growing impatience, wisdom-teeth and other health issues which cost me quite a lot of time. I hope noone is disappointed that all their advice only lead to some random guy buying something in a store, but I swear it was still very useful to actually decide which parts I wanted, so I can only thank everyone again. I kinda feel obliged to post photos, but I'm not sure what use that would be to anyone, so I'll just skip on that unless someone really wants to see what came of their (well, sadly only buying) advice. So, well uh, yeah, thanks again everyone, I'm off to play reflex now :>
    (I'm actually going to sleep, but that'd be such a lame note to end on, so I'll just pretend I won't)
    cdrkf and tunsel11 like this.
  9. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    No need for photos, but it would be nice to know the final specifications of the machine your purchased? Then we can advise you on what parts you need to upgrade :p
  10. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    I'd really like to see the photos personally :(

    it's always uplifting to see the results.
    Last edited: June 26, 2015
    cdrkf likes this.
  11. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Let's see some specs.
    I'm curious to see what the end result was.
    Last edited: June 27, 2015

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