oh it's alright, I'm actually learning some cool stuff by going through this. alright so with Uber settings I can get by with I think it was 40 minutes now. I'm gonna try and see how it's like with low graphic settings.
Okay so it still crashes. apparently when it does crash it somehow quick saves the skirmish I have going on and so I don't have to always save (which is a SUPER lovely feature). however I'm still crashing. It took about 5 minutes on lowest setting this time.
No problem, I'm actually enjoying learning more about computers. Anyway, I do still experience the crash but even less frequent. I was however, able to get through a match without my skull candy headset but that was just one match. I do intend to go through another just to be safe.
Alright so I went through another game and it worked just fine. no crash what so ever. Does this mean it's my audio that has issues or what?
It's rather odd problem. Some USB headsets seem to interact with PA in a really weird way, causing crashes. That bug has been around for a while, but it's proving to be a really hard one to fix. PA#3738 PA does automatically upload crash dumps every time PA crashes though, which help Uber with tracking it down. Could you check your logs in "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log"? On a typical install %LOCALAPPDATA% will be "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local". Some of those .txt files that have a crash report in them at the end. They look like links that look like "http://crashes.uberent.com/report/index/<big number>". Can you upload those here?
Doesn't really matter. The log files go to the same place whether you use Steam or not. They all end up in the directory I mentioned.
Yeah the game is on the G drive, but the settings are not. They are stored in your user profile, so on the C drive. The files should be in "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log". I used "%LOCALAPPDATA%" in the path before, because in very rare cases it can be set to not be on the C drive, but you would have done that yourself if that was the case. Just type it directly in explorer by the way, because Windows has the nasty habit of hiding stuff from you "for your own good".
Holey Moley! Well, I've extracted the crash links. There were only three. But many of the logs seem to have ended prematurely, which probably indicates crashes that didn't produce dumps. These are the links to the crash reports I found. http://crashes.uberent.com/report/index/bp-42a1c150-8431-4c6d-9d4d-113422150504 http://crashes.uberent.com/report/index/bp-28fc6ba3-b457-4036-a526-223282150503 http://crashes.uberent.com/report/index/bp-f8ebcac1-6650-4fa0-90b0-918792150504 @mkrater : I hope this helps you Uber people!
Yeah, basically. Like I said, it's a really pesky one that's been around for a while. Your crash dumps are nice though as they happen in FMOD, which is the sound library. So it's almost certainly the USB headset that made those dumps, which should help Uber with debugging that. The bug may actually be in fmodex64.dll itself.
Ha sure. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. Also, I just found this: http://www.fmod.org/questions/question/crash-with-usb-headset That's an Uber dev bugging FMOD about this.