Assassins & Snipers

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Galaxy010, February 19, 2011.

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  1. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    I know people on this forum say things like "oh if you say Assassins and Snipers are OP then you just suck." But they SERIOUSLY need a nerf on PC. I'd consider myself to be a fairly good MNC on 360. I've played the game a lot, not as much as other people on this forum, but I'm 3000 in the world so I'm not a noob. And when I play on console, I don't die all that often. But on PC, I die all the freaking time. And it's not because I'm terrible at computer games or that people on the PC players are beast, but rather that it's all Assassins and Snipers. I die like two to four times a normal match now, which doesn't bother me, it's that it's almost ALWAYS death by Assassin. Even times when I clearly see an Assassin and start shooting her, she'll just lunge+grapple me to death. It's honestly really annoying. They need a nerf.

    /end rant.
  2. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    i think u can also lunge+grapple on 360

    from what you said, it seems like it is that the average PC players are better and it's that the assassins' skills being better than those you've encountered.
  3. G3722

    G3722 Member

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  4. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    There's your problem. Fairly good for the 360 is "bottom feeder" for the PC.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just being blunt. You're probably more aware of game mechanics and interactions than most new players on the PC. You probably know how to prioritize bots over players, etc, etc... But as far as combat skill level goes, 360 standards is far bellow average on the PC.

    If you want a perfect example, look at your own complaint. The sniper does receive a very large boost from using the mouse+keyboard instead of the clunky controllers (which has been adjusted for with a 60% clip size decrease), but the Assassin? She gains little from the mouse + keyboard. Her main form of attack requires no actual aim... It's just that that particular bar is much higher here.

    If it makes you feel any better, most PC players seem blissfully ignorant of the actual objective of the game (protect bots so you can destroy the moneyball), rather preferring to play more TDM than actual Crossfire... So there's that.
  5. cyzmyass

    cyzmyass New Member

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    You are average skill on console, low skilled on PC, with time and practice you will improve your PC skills to average too i believe. Dont giveup.
  6. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Assassin gets very little? Jesus you guys are so blind to the argument, that no matter what anyone says you go back to the "were awesome you suck argument".. Its really frustrating..

    Shes gets a HUGE BOOST to the speed with which she can change her view.. IE: she can circle strafe much faster, and quick 180 turn to your back.. thats HUGE for her.. on 360 she had to actually approach you from behind to get a back grapple.. on PC she can run right at you with NO strategy, lunge and than 180 turn to your back as shes flying by..

    or just lunge and start spinning the mouse like an idiot a slamming mouse 2. The 360 controller only allowed her to turn so fast.. and that speed was no where NEAR what the mouse allows for.

    I would argue the assassin got just as much of a boost as the sniper did.. this is why everyone complains.. their abilities, are INSTANT KILL, that are based on the ability to put the reticle in a specific spot.. be it the back .. or the head...

    The mouse makes placing the reticle in those places, ridiculously easy compared to the console.

    Some of the members of this community need to get off of their high horses, and back down to earth.. you can just assume that PC players are BETTER.. or that this guy has no idea what hes doing with a mouse and keyboard.. It isnt that the players are better.. its that the class's are easier with mouse and keyboard.. you are as pro as you think you are.. its just easier.

    You have any idea how much "more" skill goes into being an amazing console sniper? (when the game doesnt have aim assist).. a thumb stick and thumb, being that precise takes amazing hand eye.. they arent Unskilled..
  7. Providence

    Providence New Member

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    This is becoming more annoying than lunge/face combo.
  8. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Sensitivity level 10?

    Nah, lief can do that all the time, you just lunge barely past someone, turn a little bit, and grapple. Doesn't work against jumping opponents, charging opponents (although sometimes you can face-grapple a charge), and overhealed/heavily-armored opponents.

    Which brings me back to the "im so much betterz than console players LOL we rok tardz cuz m+kb" arguement. Why do I still find some classes better with controller? One of them being assassin?

    Also, why do I keep recommending this: If you are up against a sniper, Play tank with really heavy armor and constantly dash from cover to cover, railgun poke him, lob a product nade every once in a while, and kill bots with product nade and railgun from behind cover and a range. Alternatively, get an assault, jump around at max sniper range spamming him and bots with grenades, so he has to hide behind cover not doing much of anything a LOT.

    If you are up against assassins, use a mildly armored tank, and ANY TIME one face-grapples you, walk up and grapple them out of smokebomb animation against a wall, then charge and deathblossom them. If they stop smokebombing after every face-grapple, charge and deathblossom them. Alternatively, just spam bot lanes with explosive shots and you shut down easy assassin juice. If a assassin kills bots off the spawn, babysit bots, build a turret, or ice-trap/bomb-trap the from of their spawn. If they juice, everyone shoot at them, especially the gunner, and hit her with charges, she has less health than a gold armor tank.

    Also, if she has time to spin around as she lunges, don't you have time to spin around? If you 180 the second you see her flying by, she gets stuck with a face-grapple and a questionable lunge-hit.

    I am not saying im great, i'm saying if you do this to assassins and snipers, you kill them or shut them down.
  9. Galaxy010

    Galaxy010 New Member

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    Console players suck compared to PC players? Are you kidding me? No offense, I mean, the PC is better than a console and the players are much more polite, but more skilled? That's a load of BS. I'm not doing worse on PC overall, I'm doing worse in JUST Assassin and Sniper categories. The 360 playres are actually BETTER than PC MNC players because everyone who's left on 360 is good at the game, while the PC version being newer still has a ton more scrubs. You also made this assumption that because I play on console that means I don't play on PC. I play on both and am very used to how the PC works, thank you very much.

    And Assassins get no buff from PC? No, like other people stated they get the quick turn ability. But more important than that is that it is on dedicated servers.Both lunges and grapples flawlessly connect 100% of the time now, so you don't need to be as accurate as you need to on console.
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Lief could always lunge into a back-grapple from the front of an enemy on xbox. Called lvl10 sensitivity.

    Plus, lag made EVERYONE bad on console. Tank beams don't do damage when connecting, assault rifles not hitting when it shows, snipers getting impact-headshots that don't even count as bodyshots, assassins shoving into an opponent as hard as they can and grappling 4 times without it registering.
  11. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    You said that twice.

    we get it sensitivity 10

    you know what the difference is man? with a mouse, you can make fast movements and slow movements equally easy.. with a controller using sensitivity 10, you are stuck really fast, with very little mico movement possibility.
  12. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Oh no, it's easier to be an amazing PC sniper than it is to be an amazing console sniper. But what happens if you compare the top 1% of console snipers to the top 1% of PC snipers? It would look like you took a high school football team and made them play the Green Bay Packers. The skill ceiling on the PC is higher.

    Allow me to restate that, because it's important: The skill ceiling on the PC is higher.

    Average player this, average player that, you don't balance a game for the average player. You have to balance a game based on the observations and suggestions of the top players; if the top players are having success dealing with what the average player considers an over powered class, that strategy will trickle down through the community over time. Also: if you think [class] is overpowered because it regularly kills you, then you are not a top player right now.
  13. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    You do... The same thing... On xbox... As you do... PC...

    If anything, I know a player from CoD that can headshot quickscope with lvl10 sensitivity any range consistently. I find that to be a very keen use of the "gawd ahfewl" thumbstick. Technically, he is the best alive then, because not only can he be better than most mouse users, but he does it with an "inferior device". Congrads to him.

    The skill cap is the same. Most of the stuff you do exactly the same in both versions. If you guys would learn from competitive xbox teams how to kill an assassin after a face-grapple... I wouldn't have to hear such whiney threads all over the pc section.
  14. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    1) Learn to use an ellipsis
    2) You do that thing faster, more accurately, and with a higher rate of success using a mouse and keyboard than you would using a thumbstick. This is inarguable- sensitivity 10 is not an analogue to a 3600dpi mouse that is on the fly adjustable between 800, 1200, 1600, 2400, and 3600dpi with just the push of a button. This translates to a higher skill ceiling
    3) I'm tired of seeing whine threads and I only bother with these forums once a week. The problem is console players falling trap to the dunning kruger effect, over stating their abilities at this game, and then failing to dominate games like they (erroneously) think they should be able to.
    4) Competitive xbox teams, really? Sorry sugar, they don't have anything they can teach me. Different control schemes, different balance issues, they might as well be different games, and the people attempting to base PC version decisions on shitty anecdotal evidence from their xbox experiences are part of the problem.
  15. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Learn to ****ing grapple an assassin out of a smokebomb, instead of making whine-threads about it. Team tactical games tend to involve stradegy more than "lol mi mouse can kell tad newb!". That is all.
  16. Gturtle

    Gturtle New Member

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    Oh hey look at how dumb you are.

    Pro tip: I already know that.

    Oh awesome a two for one special on pro tips: Stop posting, you're not very good at it.

    Actually you're not every good at reading either, you should probably isolate yourself from written words entirely.
  17. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I like you. You can spell.
  18. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I don't think this thread is salvageable. Locked.

    Geez people, show some respect for other players...
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