Okay, so anytime I start a battle, it appears to load the planet and system data just fine. But after I see "Calculating Approach Vector," it just dies on me. I get the constant load ring of Win7 and...... nothing. Then I get an error message saying something went wrong and Windows had to close the program. I'd really like to know what's wrong with this. I've tried re-installing to see if that helped, but that hasn't helped.
Hello, Can you start by posting your Dxdiag.txt in your next post? It contains critical information about your computer system that could be useful in diagnosing the problem.
I tried a search on that, but it returned nothing. How am I supposed to get that? All Windows does is give me an error message and nothing else.
I have the DxDiag file here for you now. Thanks, BTW, for the info on how to access it. I never knew that before (then again, I've never been asked for it before).
Your Radeon HD 6570 is running with a driver from may 2011. A quick google leads me to this page to download the newest drivers for that card: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/desktop?os=Windows 7 - 64
Okay, I'm downloading now. Let's see if this works..... Update @18:39 (6:39 PM) EDT: the driver did it! I now have 2 GW victories under my belt and having a lot of fun w/ PA now! Thanks again!