Hi everyone I'm Freezinator, and I am just hopping back into Planetary Annihilation! SO back when it was on kick starter I am pretty sure I contributed 90 dollars because I know I was in the alpha. I have the badge in my armory and everything. But from what I read people who backed 90 dollars plus and bought into the alpha got the delta commander, and he is missing from my armory! Please if anyone knows what's up let me know! Thanks -Freezinator
That depends on where / how you purchased the game... Delta was given to people who got a certain version from the uber store, and 90 dollar plus kickstarter pledges (which ended before alpha). I'm guessing you ordered via steam? In which case you get access to theta but not the delta (although he is essentially the same as Invictus).
Thanks for responding to me so quickly! And no I did not order it through steam. I ordered it on the kick starter page I am almost 100% certain of that.
Before there was this page: http://uberent.com/KS/FindMyPledge Sadly it's not work anymore so you need to contact support: http://support.uberent.com/open.php If you actually Kickstarter backer they'll make sure you get your Delta.