From log: Code: [19:46:26.070] INFO [COUI] PID: 9360 | 3120 01:46:26.469541 Could not recognize the mime type of coui://ui/main/_i18n/locales/en/icon_atlas.json and Code: [20:18:32.090] INFO [COUI] PID: 9360 | 15748 02:18:32.266690 Requesting resource read for coui://ui/main/atlas/icon_atlas/img/strategic_icons/icon_si_base_vehicle.png with internal id 12965 reported FAIL and lastly Code: [19:46:22.609] ERROR Error compiling shader liquid_flow.vs: {code for file} This happened after a restart of the game when the UI crashed and didn't return, full log is below Edit: Log of the most recent game with this issue was "too big" but uploaded is a log with the same issues
You seem to be a Steam user, so you could try verifying the integrity of the game cache? It kind of looks like files are just missing. Also, try it without mods, just in case. You can use the --nomods flag for quick testing.
I think that spamming about mime-type something isn't that unusual and probably unrelated to the shader-crash.
If the game files were corrupted then the game log would fill with this error every time I started the game, but it doesn't, and the steam verify didn't flag anything. This happened without mods once upon a time, but I didn't save the log. While it is very possibly a mod could be messing this up, it would happen every time if it was. Maybe so, but the Shaders are near the other files and just got clumped with this thread, probably a single time issue After checking with the log vs game files, it does this with every single json file (took a long time to verify this...) I just wanted to throw this out there into the spotlight, in case someone had an idea to fix this rare bug.
I'm getting them as well in It's a new thing - when I was looking through the logs for my other issues I didn't see any of these until very recently - the last patch or two. A steam file verification showed no issues, and I'm not and have never run any mods. Adding a logfile. It's error on things like .json and .ttf
Have you played any of the large server ffas in the last day or two with mikeyh? I ask because I found the issue again last night and the the only games I played were with mikeyh Pinging @mikeyh
They important line in that log file is: [22:33:25.104] INFO [COUI] Assert failure: Dispatching a message to a non-active view 46 at ContextImpl.cpp : 2245
It doesn't seem to be affecting anything though for me - I can play the game without any problems. I'm not seeing any crashes or other problems.
After some extensive testing and debuging I have determined that this is a game based error and not a mod coding issue