Hard XBOX lockup twice in 2 days

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by CStubing, December 3, 2010.

  1. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    Joined a game, started, was laggy, quit.
    Joined game, same game, pressed start to go to menu to quit, crash.
  2. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    Friends and I played a game and went to the lobby. A friend joined, we played another game and went to the lobby. Another game started and as it shows the map with all the bots and placement of turrets right at the start of the game as it starts, I locked up. Hopefully helps?
  3. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    This literally happens to me every single day now. And nothing notable was happening at any given time it froze. Just extremely annoying.
  4. mute

    mute New Member

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    2 questions:

    Are all of you experiencing this playing on SD tv's? Maybe it's glitch on rescaling?

    Have you tried re-downloading MNC? I had a couple bad experiences with some other games in the past and re-downloading solved it. Another game I did install-to-disk (since it was a disc game).. but obviously thats not of relevance here..
  5. MootPinks

    MootPinks New Member

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    Serves you right for insisting on grappling when that guy only had a sliver of health left ;)

    My game froze during a grapple recently too. I was playing gunner and an assassin grappled me. It froze as she was doing a handstand over my head, so it looked cool at least.

    The other freeze I've had as gunner was a fraction of a second after I juiced.

    I read elsewhere that someone thinks Gunner is more prone to freezing, but I'd say I had more when playing tank.

    I'm using VGA output set to 1680x1050 in case that's relevant.
  6. Manouso

    Manouso New Member

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    lol yeah that was mid b button grapple and I was gunna smg grapple after but noooo.
    There's two more pics of me grappling a gunner as an assassin in the thread. Both times I had juice waiting.

    Tiki hax.
  7. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    never play uno after playing mnc for a couple hours = instant crash!!! had my xbox for just over a year and since I got mnc I've had the red ring twice (left it couple hours and it sorted itself) and other games that played fine until I got mnc keep crashing but mnc has never frozen or crashed for me :eek:
  8. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    Nah, that's just your XBox's "quality" hardware telling you it's had enough. It has nothing to do with the game. If the graphics are looking odd like textures not loading right, or black pixels everywhere, you'll probably be seeing the RRoD (or E74) in the next couple weeks. I would know, I've had 3 Red Rings in 4 years. If it ends up being one of those, it should be covered though since those 2 hardware problems are covered by an automatic 3 year warranty for new systems.

    Also, I once had a crash when I was playing as a Sniper and I threw my Flak. I didn't notice anything else going on, I just happened to throw my Flak and it locked up before it went active. Only happened once though as that.
  9. CStubing

    CStubing New Member

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    I've also noticed that people in my party will freeze with me at the same time if they're near me (maybe) on the map when I freeze. It's not uncommon for me to be host, have a few friends in a game with me, lock up and then restart, rejoin the party, and have one of my friends rejoining in the same state.

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