MyMNCServer - Report a hacker

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by LennardF1989, December 26, 2010.

  1. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Well, then I guess I'll just start banning users who constantly get into fights on the forum and who don't respect other peoples opinions. See what I did there?
  2. Uncle_Coord

    Uncle_Coord New Member

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    Your point is ridiculous, yea you got shot in stealth by somebody who wasnt cheating, but these are luckshots or skill shots if they saw you unstealth and tracked your speed, i like the way you skipped over the part where i said, MORE THAN ONCE stand away from areas spammed with bullets, if they continue to clean hit you in stealth especially without bulletspam then your looking at a hacker.

    And no, you have never seen a skilled player snapaim because its impossible, you might see lag which can cause jitters, but a genuine snap aim is very easy to see in a video, because it takes 1 frame for them to turn 180 degrees and lock on, obviously the bigger the snap the easier it is to spot.

    Tinygod you raise the point yourself, these things are said on all shooter forums, for good reason, because their true, you CANNOT ban innocents incase their hacking, or every skilled player may as well stop playing now, because sooner or later they will get banned, or perhaps your suggesting everybody should START banned and then appeal and prove their not hackers before theyre allowed to play?
  3. HauntRewired

    HauntRewired New Member

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    Hey all,

    Please be on the lookout for this cheater:

    In typical fashion, no profile.

    Definitely cheating, playing as sniper able to instantly 180 degree turn and instant head shot. Unfortunately unable to fraps or grab id at the time.

    I'll repost if I can catch him at it.

  4. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Than I guess I'll pull it back a notch..
  5. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    everybody simmer down.

    bans on file get an automatic manual ban since we all know VAC doesnt lie. It just takes months to realize someone is hacking ;p

    If a ban doesnt exist, a video is needed. Most hackers are pretty much apparent because they use a sniper and you can see the machine gun type headshot icons appear.

    We all know the routine.

    Togglers need more video proof. Thankfully, UE acknowledges the problem and is working on a spectator view.

    For now it's working fine since I'm sure UE triple checks the data we present to them.

    Also noted that the ban list distributed with the patches can be completely erased by the server owner.

    So its not like this is a universal thing.

    I can count how many times I've been banned from servers for just owning. No cheating accusation. Flat out owning. The person who owns the server gets the last word.

    So it's not like we are sending people to a universal jail. Those who dont want to participate in this dont have to.

    THOSE servers, I will never visit though.

    I have been going to servers that follow our thread in steam forums and I haven't seen a hacker since (betcha i just jinxed myself)
  6. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    LivelyToaster [CPP]

    No video, but watched him score head shot after head shot, wasnt thinking much of it, till he screwed up and landed 3 quick scope head shots in 3 seconds while being attacked by the 3 pros, than later scored a head shot from across the map while being ejected.

    be on the look out and start FRAPS if you're in game with him, so we can gather more hard evidence..

    14 hours play time, and already amazing......
  7. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither." --B.F.
  8. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    The quote is:
    And the keywords are "a little temporary"

    I would have gone with:

    than again:

    My favorites are:
    Than Again, I'm a Soldier, and have been for 13 years.

    I believe that sometimes we have to allow the innocent to suffer, for the greater good, the larger picture, and to ensure that there are any innocents in the future. When laws provide freedom, there will always be those that hide behind those laws, while they make others suffer.

    my favorite quote of all time, has no true author, though some say Orwell wrote it:
    Quotes are Fun
    But this is a video game, not a country, and we aren't addressing civil freedoms. It would be like trying to apply the constitution to a game of Dungeons and Dragons.
  9. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    I got a new one for you.

    "Grasping at straws"

    Oh, and it's very funny and ironic that you from all people mention that this talk is about a video game when just a page ago you were using rape as an example to prove your point.

    But then again this is you, so it doesn't surprise me at all.
  10. Techyo

    Techyo New Member

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    Royal Ricardo

    should be on the watch list

    There was a support "lagging" himself around a level going speeds faster than anyone else and having the most kills....

    Supports aren't the fastest class...

    I kept telling people to report....

    Keep an eye open...
  11. pineapple

    pineapple New Member

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  12. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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  13. Heegu

    Heegu New Member

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    Got a very suspicious guy here.

    I don't rage quit

    From the looks of it he was toggling his aimbot to look normal but his aim did snap ocassionally and he headshotted assasins and assaults constantly (which are the hardest to headshot from experience). His steam profile also isn't set up so this account is probably a trash one.

    add: just noticed he was mentioned above me
  14. HauntRewired

    HauntRewired New Member

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    Yeah, the same guy I reported. its the 180 degree kills that made me rage. Couldn't even sneak up on him.
  15. shadoom

    shadoom New Member

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    how do you find that community website?
    I found a hacker called "i don't ragequit" but i cant find his community page :(
    he got like 70 kills 1 death
    sniper of course
    i assume aimbot
  16. Llamatron

    Llamatron New Member

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    Either directly click Players in the Steam overlay, or View>Players in the Steam UI, will display a list of the people you recently played with.
  17. ShimmyCocoaPop

    ShimmyCocoaPop New Member

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    Is this person shooting at cloaked assassins or is he just getting a lot of kills?

    I would think that headshooting cloaked people is a giveaway...but a large k/d ratio?
  18. Banyon

    Banyon New Member

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    This is actually the reason I came here. To report him. is the other link to steam ID

    actual Steam name is papabananapapa

    Oh, and to add to the post about him before... he wasn't simply "lagging" at faster speeds.

    He was a tank, running acrossed the map and back in 2-3 seconds.. I would stay 3x the speed a tank can go even while jetcharging. This is not rubber banding, nor any kind of lag or issue with latency. Standing still then rubbing banding 10 feet away is lag... not running faster than an assassin on meth as the slowest class in the game.

    BTW, this was on the UBER official server (IDS I think).
  19. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Wow the community of this game is pretty small. Everybody seems to know everybody. Yeah I saw Ricardo on Steel Peel show up at our Iceman spawn right at the match start as a Tank. It gave me quite the start :lol:

    Later on that map that looks like a big donut Ricardo started spamming in chat that I was "aimbotting" after I bopped his Assassin a couple of times with an Assault charge. Some dude named Frogger apparently bought into and accused me of hacks and then crawled up my rear end in chat. It was a very Looney Tunes moment.

    It was one of those low rent "for the lulz" speed things you see all the time in Counter Strike Source pubs. Most people tolerate it because it's often just as hard for the user to hit stuff as for you to hit them.
  20. Akris

    Akris New Member

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    I just encountered an aimbotting assault.

    Most of the times I was completely cloaked and he hits me with 100% accuracy from across the map.

    If it's not proof enough, I got other footage, just not cut yet, due to size limit.

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