I bought PA when it was in Beta. How can I activate my key in my Steam account? I tried entering the key into Steam in the "GAmes->Activate a Product on Steam" and it did not recognize the key. Thanks.
Are you sure it's for Steam? Maybe it's a key for Uber directly. See if you can activate is here: https://store.uberent.com/Account/MyKeys If that works, then you need to contact Support to convert it to a Steam key.
You don't need to contact support, or at least I didn't back when I bought the game in Beta. If I recall correctly there's an area in "My Games" which will let you get a steam key for PA.
They had to shut down the conversion service as people found an exploit that pretty much gave free keys.
Can't remember exactly,just remember hearing on the forums that uber had to disable it due to an exploit(not sure about the free keys part). If I find it I'll link it here.