Feb 11 Update

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by PizzaBoy, February 12, 2011.

  1. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Re: Problems after Feb. 11, 2011 Update!

    The gear preview is gone on purpose and will return in a different way in a future update.

    The sponsors do show up in the reverse order but they are the same ones that you selected. That will be fixed in a future update.

  2. iiiHuman

    iiiHuman New Member

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    Re: Problems after Feb. 11, 2011 Update!

    Thanks guys. Hadn't noticed about the reverse order thing. And, could have sworn it wasn't always showing the correct ones anyhow.

    I don't recall it being mentioned in the update that the gear preview was removed. But, then again, I didn't notice that the sponsors were just being listed in the reverse order.

    Glad to hear I'm not completely nuts. LOL.


  3. Smaxx

    Smaxx New Member

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    I'm really happy with the new gear selection. The old one looked rather improvised and inconsitent. I don't really need a preview as long as the gears are rather distinctive.
  4. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I think it's worth mentioning that the new bot killing streaks are really great, rewards pushing the lane for every class, and generally benefits the game. The juice changes in overtime seem to have made it a lot less frustrating for most people, too, though I never had that much of a problem with it.
  5. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    I must agree on the bot kills and I like to see that the abillity to keep your changes is being worked on.

    I hope the next series of updates can focus ongetting the Lazer Blazer into shape for proper use as well as minor balance issues that while not too noticieable stand out with how much work the game has had put in.
  6. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    It's good to hear some feedback on changes that do work. Typically it's been on things that don't. Thanks.
  7. Arkanfel

    Arkanfel New Member

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    Before I forget (again) and I'm hesitant to point this out because i exploit it all the time--my reload speed being what it is :p --but currently I don't think that spawning bots interrupts a reload whereas entering the skill menu does. I think the same thing applies to turrets, but I'm not 100% on that.
  8. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    The Lazer Blazer for proper use?
    It's super cheap turret that is lightly armored and does a decent job at defending against bots. That's its proper use.
  9. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    well.. its not the cost.. its 3 factors

    1) it waists a turret nub, meaning its too easy to kill, and once dead stops a better turret from being built

    2) it provides free juice to tanks (this can be countered by killing the tank but that requiers watching the turret at all times..

    3) Its cheapness is not worth the fact that it provides easy money/juice to enemy pros.. I mean any class can kill this with minimal effort, infact only a hacked lvl 3, can even be defeneded by a support, anything less is cannon fodder to assaults/gunners heck even assassin shrukiens kill them faster than a support can heal when they are below level 3..
    as an assault when i see one, I know there is nothing they can do to stop me from killing it within seconds.. Sure in theory they stop bots, but they are so easily killed that is a non factor, and it leads back to point number 1, in that once down you have no ability to build a rocket turret, which might actually hold up long enough to reach level 3..

    its not that they arent doing what they are intended to do, its more that what they are intended to do, doesnt work in matches... the more people learn about the game, the more they realize you just DONT build them.. even if you have the cash and the turret nub is free, you are only hurting your team, because someone else was probably about to build a rocket turret there. and you stopped them.

    the other night people on my team were saying.. wait wait dont kill the lazer blazers they have 3 of them.. just leave them, till were ready to push... Since what that did was stop them from being able to build ANY rocket turrets, so when the push came it only took 1 juiced assassin to kill 3 of them, and we just focused the other down in under 2 seconds..

    I'm sorry, but if its a viable strategy to not kill turrets because they are so laughably easy to kill when the time comes, and they are stoping the ability to build better defenses.. than theres a problem.

    please oh god please on the next update add the following:

    1) allow supports to detonate their firebases from range (doesnt do dmg, just self destruct) so they can build a new one further up, without having to go back to firebase itself to kill it.

    2) allow people to deconstruct their own turrets, on nubs for a small fee.. like 50 cash, you can deconstruct your own lazer blazer back to a nub.. so when new players build them, we can ask them to take them down so we can build rockets in their place.. problem is, how do you do that for turrets that others upgrade... maybe that wont work.. but something is needed..

    right now I could roll support, build a lvl 1 lazer blazer on every nub, heal the ones near bot lanes, and it would almost be like griefing my team..
  10. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    For 25$ less you can make a level 1 rock-it turret in less time than a level 3 laser blazer, and it takes more damage and doles out more, plus it has the potential to become something more powerful if you can keep it alive. As it is laser blazer turrets do nothing but feed money and juice to the enemy team, and don't even do their job as a quick anti-bot defense unless hacked, which a level 1 rock-it turret could do just as well or better, due to splash damage.

    As it is they are neither useful in pubs nor in competitive play, except to deployed enemy tanks. They either need to be tweaked as a whole, or just eliminate the levels leading up to the last one, as there is absolutely no use to a level 1 or 2 laser blazer, which would actually make it a viable last ditch defense, since you could just throw one up instantly, rather than having to build and then upgrade twice.
  11. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    Okay so basically, I just decided to prove myself wrong, and did.

    I went into playoff blitz as support with nothing but laser blazers and shaveice turrets, and the bots didn't even get close to the inner ring if I hacked the outer ones. I think the turret still needs some adjustment due to the way that it's basically a juice dispenser to the enemy team, but I think it has been grossly underestimated in its ability to control bot flow. I think with the right placement it might actually be worth long term investment for blitz and crossfire alike if these adjustments were made.

    My apologies, Scathis.
  12. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    its fine against bots, its just in crossfire no one lets them stay alive long enough to do anything.. in blitz they are great
  13. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    It was generally accepted among forum goers that the only useful turrets for actually killing things up close were rock-its, to the point where the highest sudden death blitz scores were by people who had just built nothing but rock-its.

    I got my own score of 829 this morning with nothing more than rock-its, a single shave-ice, and some longshots in the back. Took four hours, or thereabouts. I think perhaps with the certain turrets replaced by laser blazers, and changing my hacks, I could improve that significantly, if I was willing to spend another four to six hours on nothing but blitz. My only real challenges would be the repeated waves of jackbots, though with the relatively low cost of replacement I can't see it being a problem.

    I digress, though. The point being that save for the one issue of juice balance with taunting players and tanks, I think they may actually be a viable choice if placed correctly and hacked.
  14. Randomdog

    Randomdog New Member

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    I've not seen this posted so far, and after playing I can't figure it out - What are these 'bot killstreaks' actually about?

    I spent a whole game killing bots almost exclusively, didn't get any sort of killstreak :|
  15. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    You generally have to stay alive to get any kind of streak, a bot killstreak is killing a ton of bots without dying. Not sure how many.
  16. Randomdog

    Randomdog New Member

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    I did stay alive, was just playing assault spamming grenades down their bot lanes, got a lot of money for it but no visible notification of a 'streak' (which I'm assuming is just a cash bonus rather than anything else?)

    I know that you get streaks for player kills after 5 (Or somewhere around there) so I don't know what's going on with the bot ones.
  17. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    You have to kill A LOT of bots to get the bot kill streaks. I'm sure someone will eventually document how many. But I know it's a lot.
  18. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    Starts at 25 and depending on class it isn't that much.
  19. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    I think I got one at 50 bots.. But it could have been less.. I'm not sure if its couting slimbots or not.. But I tend to get it once a game atleast..
  20. G3722

    G3722 Member

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    I posted this the other day in the "what do you do to a LV1 LB?" topic and it kinda relates to this.

    Now i'm not the best Blitz player out there by a long shot, but at least this strategy has gotten me as far as #15 in Playoff Blitz(#3 as Assassin.. Though i have to admit that the first spot looks very dubious, but that's another story), so i think it does work.

    Still, you are correct that it's way better using RockIts in endless challenges like Sudden Death Blitz since survival is the point of those modes.

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