A question about galactic war

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by spacewaker, March 6, 2015.

  1. spacewaker

    spacewaker New Member

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    does the amount of enemy faction controlled systems affect how many enemy commanders you face on their home system?
    I just got ridiculously stomped on a home system on normal after a string of easy battles.
  2. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    The number of enemy commanders in a boss battle is fixed per faction.

    - blue: 1
    - purple: 2
    - orange: 3
    - red: 4

    Note that the fewer commanders tend to have larger eco multipliers, but I usually find them easier.

    You can also get multiple commanders depending on distance from start, but that may not kick-in on the first difficulty level.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  3. spacewaker

    spacewaker New Member

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    It was agaisnt red
    there were two planets and two moons
    i thought i could start up on a small moon with lots of metal and expand form there
    started with a factory but i was still under attack by bots by the time my first fab rolled of it
    it seemed like there were about least 2 -3 commanders with prebulit bases there
    were i just unlucky with enemy placement? or am i not supposed to chose a moon in a boss battle.
  4. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    You can review the battle afterwards with the ChronoCam. It's a very helpful tool. It lets you see what the AI was doing that you weren't. Though keep in mind that they may have eco multipliers as wondible mentioned. You can see what those multipliers were by using the ChronoCam to go all the way to the beginning of the match and see what their energy/metal income is before they have even built anything.

    The AI doesn't come with prebuilt bases by the way.

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