I'm not sure if this is on the cards, did have a little dig through and didn't find anything concrete. It would be very good to have the ability to turn off/on certain tech on a per game basis, I find there's allot more variety with RTS's that support this. As for an in game mod manager, I don't think this is a big ask since there are already community made external managers out there. An in-game would more convenient, especially if we could turn mods on/off in the game lobby without restarting the game.
I recall SupCom FA has this exact feature, the mods aren't fully loaded in until you start the match. Can't recall if any of the mods in the ''mod manager' affected the lobby's UI... I know of external ones that did. If you want to have deep modding support it should still be ok to have the manager in the lobby since the UI is all HTML, CSS and JS so making changes in the staging area shouldn't be too bad...
Yeah but PA handles mods a bit differently than Supcom does. And so it'll take a bit of work to get working.
a bit of work is quite different from "not possible". Uber would need to change a few parts about how mods are loaded, that's all.
Well aside from that I'd be super keen on a Unit Manager! Not having this feature is the only thing that's kept me from playing more often.
Don't forget, the PA community is (in general) very helpful and trusting. Just ask for folks to abide by a set of rules, make sure those rules are in the match title, and you should be good to go. I wouldn't ask for anything super crazy (like only x2 PD and tanks or something silly), but you should be fine.
By the way, did you see this mod: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/rel-no-enter-unit-type-here.63218/ It seems to do what you want, doesn't it?
Holy! No I did not and I was searching for one in October too... Thank you, squishypon3 and everyone else, it's an awesome community here!