I was 3d designer to rampage team some years ago i kind want start again. What tools you guys use now to make a Commander or any kind unit .
@squishypon3, @killerkiwijuice can probably help you with this. Btw I've got to say, you've been *almost* positive about PA lately Kal... are you feeling ok?
Yes of course it's possible. You just need to make the model in your favorite program and export it into a .papa file. I use blender which has a plugin by @raevn to export models into .papa files easily. Texturing is the next obvious thing that needs to be done, then rigging the model. I've only had experience with rigging a tank which uses the same anim tree for the model to move (I used a Leveler anim tree to make a new tank). I don't know how to help if you want to make a commander with weird movement patterns like the newly added Enzomatrix commander. Then you'll need to get it into the game, there's some resources on how to do that in the modding sub forum.
Ty, im ust to 3d max that i use not only to my work but also to some personal hobbies ,so will try do most work there,but will try blender too ..
You can make it in 3ds max, just export is as OBJ, Import it into Blender and use Raevn's plugin to export to papa file.
Well I should be able to help here. First off, do NOT use blender to export the files to PA. Blender has a nasty habit of screwing up some models (bone structure) when exporting. You want to stick to using 3ds max. Once you are done with a model I suggest using a 3ds max fbx export script somewhere on the forums (will update my post once i find it again). Once you use that script to export the model as an fbx file you'd next want to look at using a program included with PA called papatran.exe. This is what you will use to convert that fbx file to a .papa file properly. Here is the guide to using papatran.exe https://forums.uberent.com/threads/reference-papadump-exe-papatran-exe.48386/ You're going to have to use cmd in order to properly run the converter. If you need any help with getting a custom unit into PA let me know and I should be able to guide you most of the way through. EDIT1: You may find this thread useful as it compiles a list of many important guides for modding PA. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/pa-modding-reference-guides-applications-tools.48136/ EDIT2: I couldn't find the thread where I got this script from again, so here's a copy of the script I use. https://mega.co.nz/#!91RSVLhb!SRO64YWuxYca029wpVNPYCXiADo8VaSitDlnUCT6kqU