Mod Request : Game continues after Commander Death

Discussion in 'Mod Discussions' started by mdkknd, February 19, 2015.


What gameplay ending modes would you want to play?

  1. Fight to the Last

  2. Fight to the Last Constructor

  3. Fight to the absolute very last

  4. First kill wins (if you kill anything of the enemies then you win)

  5. Command Death wins (current mode)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. mdkknd

    mdkknd New Member

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    I'm not sure if this is a Mod already, although I couldn't find it and have been rather annoyed that Uber haven't implemented a checkbox which allows the game to continue after the death of the Commander. Be it a Fight to the Last unit mode or something like that.
    It was the default mode in TA and SupCom and you had to enable what is the only option at the moment, whereby you loose if the commander dies.

    Is it possible to do this using a Mod or is the game mechanics so deep that I need to be creating a petition to get Uber make this part of the game? Unless it is and I've just not seen the button for the many, many games I've played.

    If this is doable with some Javascript then point me in roughly the right directly and I'll try modding it myself, but I get the feeling this is a bit harder than just that.

    Note : If this was to be implemented as a mod there's obviously a few units that you wouldn't consider as the 'Last', namely walls and probably mines or other things that are either not going to let the user create a new base, or are very hard to find. If they have a single construction unit then they should be able to continue, but they could also loose their last construction vehicle or factory yet still have a decent army, or even just a single orbital fighter it might be able to destroy an enemy Astraeus with the enemies last remaining unit. But, having 50 Astraeus' or other transport only units which aren't actually carrying anything wouldn't cut it and I'd consider you as having lost. There's actually an interesting range of options, a Fight to the absolute very last version might mean you have to destroy every single unit of the enemies, even their mines and hidden subs and walls. I can see how this would promote the blowing up of planets, which is likely a good thing for epic matches.
    A Fight to the last constructor would of course make for a different type of gameplay and set of strategies.

    You get the drift.


    Engineer1234 likes this.
  2. mdkknd

    mdkknd New Member

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    Damn, I just realised this got posted under the 'Released Mods' sub-topic and I can't seem to move or delete the thread. Can a Forum mod or admin move it to a more appropriate location or delete it? Thanks!
  3. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Sure can :)
  4. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Out of my hand I would know how to modify a server to make it. A few lines of change to get rid of the whole "you have a commander mechanic" entirely. You could start with fabbers only if you want to.
    Drawback: This is a server modification. Can't play on Uber servers and you need to understand js files to use it.
  5. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Yeah, have to be server script mod. Stopping the game from ending would be easy. Getting it to end when the last unit was destroyed... might need client assistance.
  6. shock2072

    shock2072 New Member

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    Sounds like a great idea for a mod, true Planetary Annihilation (as in actually having a real reason to annihilate everything on a planet) as opposed to just assassination.

    I'm kind of surprised that Uber didn't include it by default.

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