streaming in pa

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by violetania, February 20, 2015.

  1. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    You just keep doing what you're doing @violetania :) Using a webcam when streaming makes the stream more watchable, you get to see more of the streamer's personality. You're quite brave to use your microphone and webcam in the way you do, I know a lot of girls/women choose not to because of the abuse it invariably brings their way. From what I have seen of your stream, you're not using the fact that you are female to garner more views etc; none of the stereotypical behaviour that I believe some streamers do. You just really enjoy playing Planetary Annihilation, and you enjoy playing it with your clanmates and others in the community, and you want to stream and share it with the world because you can, and because it

    It is a great shame that that is the case, but unfortunately there will always be people like that in the world, so you have to learn to ignore it/put up with it/deal with it, and try not to rise to the bait. As others have pointed out, a lot of people troll and say particular things in order to 'get a rise' out of their intended target. They find it funny to get someone to lose their temper, that kind of thing.

    I know, isn't it great? I've been using the Internet for about sixteen years and thanks to it, I've met the love of my life and my best friend, and countless friendly and interesting people.

    Exactly :) And yet you still won't heed my repeated advice and try the HotBuild mod :p ;) I'm trying to teach you, dammit! :p

    Absolutely. A lot of guys bitch about how some women receive favourable treatment due to their gender, and yet like most people in the world, they don't analyse and improve their own behaviour.

    Anyway, sad to hear that you've encountered this kind of nonsense within the PA community. Just keep doing what you're doing :)
    squishypon3, stuart98 and violetania like this.
  2. violetania

    violetania Well-Known Member

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    Ahahahaha naw you're so absolutely lovely!!!!! <3 And i'll try hotbuild again ahahaha.... but my hands are just like RAWR!!!! i wish i was a scary big guy with a big hands =3 heh. <3
  3. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    I'm still not quite sure why you think your slightly smaller hands are some kind of hindrance! :p If you use the middle mouse button to move the camera (which I would highly recommend!), you shouldn't need to move your hand much at all. Just put it on like esdf and you've got like 30 keys to quickly tap.

    I started out using WASD for camera movement which means you have four less keys nearby, hence using middle mouse button seems to be preferable.

    If you want help getting used to Hotbuild just let me know.. it really is worth investing the time to get used to it, and it shouldn't take you long. It makes things so much quicker you'll soon be like 'omg how did I play this game without this mod' :p
  4. violetania

    violetania Well-Known Member

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    it was just awkward jumping from like tab to j or something... but yea i suppose i should get rid of the wasd camer movement >.< eek! ahahaha and thanks <3333 also my hands aren't slightly smaller, like people can bend down their top finger joints over my hands and generally more... >.< hahahah eek >.<
  5. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    twitch is a bad place to get an overview of "men's mentality towards women" or "the internet's mentality".

    yes you will in a 100% reproducible way get MORE abuse if you are a girl.

    but the way about the problem is not to complain about it to people unrelated to the perps.

    really I don't see why it's so important to show your gender online. I mean, sure I'd love to pretend I'm a girl whilst getting no abuse and that's not possible, but I can also pretend I'm a guy and get none.

    so why fight the current?

    I mean don't get me wrong the current IS wrong and fighting it WILL progressively change the tide (can I throw in a couple more water-metaphors, can I pull it off? :) )

    but let's be efficient about it. don't expose yourself to it then tell your tales of woe on a forum. (And don't get me wrong here either I like knowing about it, it's best to know what's going on.)

    that's like writing an angry letter about a credit card info thief to a homeless man. what can we do about it?

    turn into an angry mob? the internet's got enough of these already. ESPECIALLY in the case of Pro-Gamer sexists.

    here's just a suggestion and then I'll shut up about this for the rest of time :

    • don't reveal your sex on twitch (yes I know it's unfair not to have the cam like male streamers)
    • lobby with political parties or authorities of a hub, why not twitch?
    • (optional) if you can, get a friend to mod your chat or do it yourself. if you can employ one, do it.
    the perps are wrong in their actions and them being punished for it will make them come face to face with that and stop it or at least, as a first effect cut them from you.
    Last edited: February 23, 2015
  6. nosebreaker

    nosebreaker Post Master General

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    Tatsujb Its amazing to The Nosebreaker in this day and age that you suggest that Anna Hide herself away.
    How is that an inclusive society.
    One does hope, that you are not in a position of authority in real life..... Because advice like that is counterproductive to good mental health.........

    THe Nosebreaker likes this post
    Last edited by a moderator: February 24, 2015
  7. violetania

    violetania Well-Known Member

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    Dare i say this but i'm going to have to agree with nosebreaker, like this post actually started because of comments made by people i regularly play with on voip... and most of them are on the forums so... it's not really unrelated =P and should i really just bow down and live as a second class citizen because of sexism?
    I mean i'm sure you mean well but i'm sick of taking sexist remarks that other players and streamers don't have to take hence i'm telling people it hurts and if they think it's unfair that girl streamers get more attention then they should consider what we have to deal with.
    Also PA being my first game, i didn't realize being a girl made a difference. And really it ought not to. But yea, i do have quite a few mods for twitch so generally there's at least 1 on but it still hurts =P haha. Oh well ^^ Guess i need to grow a thicker skin to fight. XD
    cptconundrum and cdrkf like this.
  8. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    alright. fair enough. I'l defer to better reason.

    here's where my thought's stemmed from; a piece of wisdom that's always done me well : listen to your elders. *(not all of them of course, make picks)

    you're 20, i'm 24. you're surprised about sexism on the internet no matter the game type. I am not anymore. I know it to be a reality since a long time.

    Again, as I said. they are wrong, and time will show you as right.

    you fight your fight. your fighting the right one.

    I personally wish you would protect yourself. Noone's mr indestructible. everyone's human, has feelings and a breaking point. You are wading into a swamp of underminement.

    I think life has better things in store for you than that. that is all I meant to say in the post above. I hope it was not taken the wrong way. :)
    violetania likes this.
  9. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    Not to mention it's total bollocks. Let's look at the top 25 Twitch streamers... 2 women. Oh wow, women are really dominating the field with their unfair advantage, whatever the **** that is.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all to find that the people calling it unfair are all GGers, thus completing the circle of stupid.
  10. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    To be honest the issue isn't 'Girls in gaming' so much as 'Girls in competitive gaming'. I think you are unusual to enjoy the more confrontational / competitive side of gaming (you really like 1 v 1's for example), whereas most of the girls / women I know who game prefer to avoid that side of it for the most part. That leads to the myth that 'women don't play games' leading to the environment where it attracts idiots as they feel threatened.

    The thing is the sexist comments and stupidity surrounding all this is exactly why many girls avoid the multi player and competitive side of games (my Fiancée for example really doesn't like the idea of having to deal with idiots so she almost always opts to play single player). A self fulfilling prophecy when you think about it.

    I for one thing you are right to call people out on this, and kudos for sticking with it. I've watches a few of your streams and what's immediately evident is you really enjoy the game, which is what it's all about :) Don't let a few idiots ruin that for you.
    violetania likes this.
  11. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    @tatsujb, did you just refer to yourself as an 'elder' at the age of 24??! What on earth does that make me? :p

    Either way, I would say that age has virtually no bearing on quality of someone's advice. The usual premise behind the concept is older people have experienced more, however it's also quite possible for someone who's 10 to have more experience of a specific thing that someone who's 80. Furthermore, additional age doesn't fundamentally change someone's personality or disposition, you don't magically hit a point where you suddenly 'feel mature' (or at least I haven't reached that point yet :p).

    I would say take advice from people you know well and who have earned your trust, and ideally have knowledge of the thing it is you need advice on :)
    violetania likes this.
  12. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    :p obvious, no?

    and elder-er that I would be wise to listen to.
    i'm only giving my life's experience on the matter.

    It turned out that this same opinion I used to have "someone who's 10 to have more experience" was wrong. They HAD given me good advice EVERY TIME (which was something mind-blowing to consider) . Something I call Babylon kept me from understanding the message everytime.

    I was just too much in a hurry to get on with my own life. but now that I look back, I unveil the message and also listening to advice I get now, I start to glimpse a blurry idea of the message behind it.

    it's always hard because you don't use the same worlds, nor the same ideas, nor feelings, nor concepts to express yourself as the people before you.

    the common mentality is renewed and evolved every new generation.

    We can almost telepathically understand some people of the same generation as us. and so can the people of a younger generation between them and so can the people of an older generation. however communicating between generations is wildly inefficient, huge chunks of the message get lost in translation.

    I can't overstate this enough. LISTEN when older people talk. It doesn't matter how dumb they are, they can't help sharing the little that they learned.

    It's the social animal instinct in us.
    Last edited: February 25, 2015
    violetania and cdrkf like this.
  13. cdrkf

    cdrkf Post Master General

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    Lol how do I respond to that eh? :p If I agree with you I negate my own argument, otherwise I have to declare that all my advice is bad and you *shouldn't* listen to me, which would also negate my argument!

    violetania and tatsujb like this.
  14. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    violetania and Clopse like this.
  15. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    Ok, this thread is getting off topic. Clearly the big issue here is that @violetania doesn't use the Hotbuild mod, and seems to think she can't because of her teeny tiny hands (?!) :p Let's all focus on improving Violet's game through glorious mods and training, and accept the fact that women are perfectly within their rights to show their gender online and should not have to hide it for fear of abuse. It would be a sad world for gamers if no females felt that they could talk on mic or use a webcam on their Twitch stream.

    Much better to show your gender and learn to deal with any potential abuse from idiots on the Internet, than it is to hide it and never have to deal with any kind of adversity. T'is a very, very, slippery slope..
    violetania likes this.
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    it IS a sad world. and why should SHE have to toughen her hide but not US?

    you guys need a healthy dose of realism. this ain't oompa-loompa world.
    cdrkf, zihuatanejo and violetania like this.
  17. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Never make a big deal out of a trait as mundane as gender. It's like saying "Hey guys! Look at me! I'm green-eyed gamer!"

    If it's on your birth certificate than it's not worth celebrating.
    zihuatanejo and violetania like this.
  18. knickles

    knickles Well-Known Member

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    Don't you have an active thread about how you should celebrate your birthday
    tunsel11, Geers, zihuatanejo and 2 others like this.
  19. violetania

    violetania Well-Known Member

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    Ahahahaha you guys all made me laugh! Thank you I needed it <3 and jaguar....I tried hot build again and it screwed up my hot keys!!! I need to seriously sit down for an hour or two and figure out what keys should be used for what =P hehe ^^ @zihuatanejo if you want to tell me how much of a scrub lord I am, I'm listening!!! Apart from hot build, that needs some serious thinking heh =P
  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    Knickes, never ever late for the perfect slot in a thread x'D

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