I see you devs here are uncommonly social with your community of patrons! Very awesome! What are the chances of getting a glimpse at one of those fabled game developer roadmaps? Um, specifically, yours? I'm sure I'm not alone in how curious I am as to what is currently on your table now that MNC has officially dropped. Are there other games in development? Hints? How about continued development on MNC? Top priorities? Many are quick to see the similarities between MNC and Valve's TF2. The promotional tie-in helped in that aspect, too, of course. So, does this mean that MNC players can look forward to similar future development and support that TF2 players currently enjoy, for example? Thanks for the fantastic game!
I think the next step on the roadmap is the first DLC, then the second. Then probably MNC 2. Scathis still owes us a browser game with pink unicorns though...
Most developers and publishers don't talk about their long term plans because for one it loses it's "newness" if it's already talked about and plans change very quickly. I'll just say that we're very focused on MNC related stuff.
And not only that Poly. It's not uncommon to see certain developers work through weekends, early in the morning and late at night. Seriously, when do you guys sleep? :shock: Uber Entertainment, it's not just a name, it's way of life!