... st20507837 If you wish to be added to this list I made at steam forums (video list compilation), please let me know. I've already added Sunny Dove and Im Hudson, with or without their consent. If you two wish me to remove you from the list, please let me know. Hopefully we can get a huge list of player's gamertags/steam and their channel to help promote ourselves better and make the community grow. Amen.
Great idea . I was thinking we should do something like this. I've not posted at all over there because they haven't bothered to activate my account after I clicked the link in the email. But it looks like those forums are full of fresh new players that could gain a lot from seeing our videos. A strong YouTube community for MNC is just over the horizon :mrgreen:.
You can add me as well. I have the PC and 260 versions, but I can't play on PC because I can't figure out why my computer isn't handling well even though I have more than the required stats. Channel is in my sig.