My favorite suggestions for Galactic War

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Nullimus, February 21, 2015.

  1. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    These are excerpts from about 30 threads that I skimmed over. They are features that I would like to see implemented and nothing more. If some of these same things have been suggested by someone else earlier than the posts I selected let me know.

    Uber, Please get some man hours into this feature of the game. Getting it to a complete and polished state will have a very significant impact on the sales of PA, and I really want to see this game be profitable enough to cover the cost of perpetual development of this and other products (IE Human Resources, Which I really think is a fantastic concept)

    Most players of RTS games rely on the single player game to give them a thorough and basic understanding of how to play the game, use the units, and prioritize their build order. Without the familiarization that comes through the single player campaign they are simply thrown to the wolves in multiplayer.

    Posted by me in this post:
    I think Galactic war should...
    ...have the AIs move.
    ...force AIs to collect tech too.
    ...allow you to create your own faction, or at least color scheme.
    ...allow you to "repurpose" the defeated commanders to be used as defending commanders for a world.
    ...have a derelict commander on each uncontrolled world to leave in place to defend it.
    ...have an economic bonus based on the number of systems you control.
    ...have a tech tree that advances with each new tech drop and prevent the acquisition of duplicate tech.
    ...have coop play.
    ...give the player the ability to create their own initial load out with limitations.
    ...allow metagame individual tech options that carry from one war to the other and can be used in a custom initial loadout.

    Perhaps more to come. Not sure what to add right now.

    Posted by Tripod27 in this post:

    - All factions spawn on one system at the edge of the galaxy with one commander each, rest of the galaxy is unowned
    - Starting system for each faction is a custom looking planet and gives more points than it should based on radius or metal, marked on map with star instead of circle

    Posted by allister on this post:

    His suggestions are a bit more extensive. I definitely suggest reading his entire OP.

    Posted by nillabomb in this post:

    I think it would be less frustrating to redesign the meta-game tech to allow users to choose their upgrade path. For instance, if you win a battle you could get tech points that the player could then choose how to spend in an upgrade tree. If they want to build advanced vehicle factories, let them spend it there. If they want advanced orbital, let them spend it there. If they want better defense or offence on their commander, let them spend it there. That way the player has some control instead of just being totally random. The player could spend the tech points in areas that interest him most.

  2. mellowautomata

    mellowautomata Member

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    Essentially these changes would make GW into grand strategy 4X game. I'd love that personally, but when you account the fact that PA devs from the very beginning considered PA to cater around MP, that's where you get these issues.

    However, if they would decide to introduce such an unique expansion pack without affecting multiplayer at all, I would certainly buy it. Given that PA wasn't supposed to be SP centered, such an expansion pack shouldn't even hurt the early backers because they aren't forced to buy it for the sake of MP.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    But why play any faction then the Synchronous?
  4. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Because Revenants are cooler.
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    stuart98 and Remy561 like this.
  6. blightedmythos

    blightedmythos Active Member

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    Great ideas. Throw custom made systems or map scenarios in the mix. Commander upgrades on the tech tree would be cool too. I'd also like winning one game to carry over to the next with some kind of prersistent upgrades or maybe you unlock new commanders with different passive bonuses or stats that change the gameplay up a bit.
  7. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    As I suggested a few times already, I think a RISK like GW metagame would be the best, as explained in the red points above.

    You claim territory, the AI claims territory and every victory leaves a defending commander. You can move defending commanders so the front line could have 4 commanders defending and thus increasing your chance to win when the enemy attacks.

    Here the past tech system can stay (with no duplicates update) and the faction leaders can also stay. When a faction leader is taken out you can claim all their territory easily just like it is now. You win by killing all faction leaders which should be placed to defend the centre of your territory ;) (and might have some small buffs)

    Here you fight and defend with like RISK, alias with subcommanders, so if you lose while attacking -> commanders lost. If you lose while defending, commanders and territory lost.

    This could be an awesome metagame to play with a friend or against an AI and can easily be expanded upon for multiple players / factions. Would be very awesome if it supports online or turn based so me and my friends play when it is our turn or something ;).

    When making the game turn-based and a friend attacks me, it would be cool to fight it out with real battles against AI or friend. I know a single 'conquest' might now take many hours, but if you keep winning the game time stays the same ;)

    Also add coop for fighting together in a team (min 2 subcommanders defending required? Or just make 1 comm act as 2 all the time)

    Plz make this happen, I would play this for sooooo many hours!!! <3 :rolleyes::):D
    Nullimus likes this.
  8. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    shoots fired ...
    igncom1 likes this.
  9. kayonsmit101

    kayonsmit101 Active Member

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    The baby on that show used to freak me out...
  10. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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