Why does it seem nobody is playing this anymore?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Goose, February 16, 2011.

  1. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Throughout the past couple of weeks I've found it harder and harder to find servers with low ping and thats not empty. Checking today there were only 35 servers available and only 4 of them weren't empty. Did people just stop playing or something? It's sad to see the vast majorities of servers completely empty. I can't even pubstomp people anymore because I keep seeing the same level 70+ players which is sad. It seemed to me that TONS more people were playing this when it came out but this last week and a half has been horrendous.

    Is this going to pick up again or is it doomed to an indie game's fate?
  2. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Umm, I see 330 servers. However, all bar 40 are empty.

    That said, come the evenings in my timezone (GMT+11, I'm an Aussie) the 30 servers or so that are local are always full. If I come at the wrong time of day, things are very quiet.

    What time of day are you playing?

    Also, have you changed the server filter from Ammo Mule to All?
  3. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I play at all times throughout the day. and whats this about ammo mule????

    I hope i didn't make myself look like a total idiot...

    EDIT: i'm dumb. just got 19 non empty/full servers and a lot of them are playable. Still seems like it was more before even if it is midnight here.
  4. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    He's telling you to check your map filter settings on the server browser. Make sure the map setting is ticked to "All" and check your other filtering settings.
  5. Bakey

    Bakey New Member

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    From what I've seen its that the servers hit a certain tipping point (6-8 players) where they'll fill up almost immediately and then stay full for hours.

    If you can friend some people on Steam and have the group hit and empty server with a decent ping, I think you'll see it fill up quickly. ;)
  6. s0cks

    s0cks New Member

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    Lies. There's noway that there is 30 full aussie servers. Most of the 3FL ones sit empty each night with maybe 2 or 3 filling up. Then there is a handful of Sydney ones and some others that get used, but my HUGE list of Aussie & NZ servers is most of the time showing 12 open slots for the majority. Probably only 5 or 6 are actually full of people (maybe more on Fri & Sat night).

    Unless I'm missing some, in which case please let me know what they are!
  7. Shizzletech

    Shizzletech New Member

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    I didnt notice a big difference in games available lately. I always check for Crossfire games under 50 ping and I find alot of servers. Some empty some full.
  8. jmendes

    jmendes New Member

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    I cant find more than 30 servers. All are 200+ ping and about 8 are not empty.
  9. jrave

    jrave Member

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    Did you switch from Ammo Mule to All? Cause I see 30+ non-empty, non-full, non-passworded servers nightly.

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