So-called Random Spawns

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by trilioth, February 12, 2015.

  1. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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    Many times I have seen the so-called random spawns give Team 1 the advantage. It would be nice if the maps where a bit more strict as to what maps could be used for team/FFA setups. Then at least the community could self-regulate to expose those who seem to be giving themselves an advantage with start up points and the excuse wouldn't be merely bad luck.

    I have played a map enough times to know that they are random, but at the same time the advantage seems to go one team or another.

    I do like the idea of more randomization. I understand that random generation will be implemented in the future. It's nice to play on maps I'm not familiar with and to play against opponents who aren't familiar with the maps. At the same time, it would be good to have some sort of restriction on the game setup.

    I am just generalizing. I don't really have any specific ideas. Maybe we can get some ideas going in this thread.

    Maybe some of you think there isn't a problem here. I'd like to keep this thread on the subject of restrictions in the game setup (if possible) and ideas on what kind of features could be added to map creation. Let us avoid getting of topic.
  2. Tripod27

    Tripod27 Active Member

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    There's so much you have to take into account for fair random spawns though

    You have to make some requirements like all spawns must have the same amount of metal a certain distance from the spawn zone, and the distance to all other metal locations combined must equal to at least something like 80-90% the same distance as all the other spawns being used, while also having all spawns be about the same distance from every other spawn and if there's multiple spawns per team, also have each team have spawns that are about equal distance from allies

    This could be made easier if the random map generator places spawns that fit the criteria first, and then places metal in a fair way after instead of grabbing a randomized map and trying to put fair spawns on it

    And even this doesn't account for obstacles like mountains and lava and water

    If you don't want randomness, don't play random spawns. It will probably get better in the future, but I doubt it'll be as good as you're hoping :/

    There's a reason must of the maps I make and play on usually are symmetrical with predetermined spawns
    Pendaelose likes this.
  3. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    There's going to be some advanced lobby features coming with the next update that will allow you to make the spawns fair :)
    zihuatanejo, guest1 and trilioth like this.
  4. Tripod27

    Tripod27 Active Member

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    Link m8?
  5. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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  6. Tripod27

    Tripod27 Active Member

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    Doesn't say too much but its something I guess
  7. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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  8. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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    Doh. I replied when I meant to edit. Sorry for the double post. :oops:
  9. masterdigital

    masterdigital Uber Alumni

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    Random spawns work a lot better on symmetrical maps. I improved random system widget will arrive in the next major PTE. Also, there are improvements coming to the way that the default maps handle 2+ player games.
    Pendaelose, Remy561, cdrkf and 4 others like this.
  10. Tripod27

    Tripod27 Active Member

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    You might not be the guy to ask for this but are team assignable spawns (both shared armies and regular) being worked on for the system editor?
  11. trilioth

    trilioth Member

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    I'd like to avoid having to use symmetry. Not only is it too artificial for my tastes, but also it makes thing a bit more predictable. I want keep things fair, but remove the intimate knowledge of maps from the equation sometimes. I personally, don't want to get locked in to using knowledge of a map. I want to be flexible.
  12. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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