[Assassin] Marmalade's Advanced Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Strategy and Tactics' started by Marmalade, January 19, 2011.

  1. Jackal Queenston

    Jackal Queenston New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)


    Back on-topic please.

    After playing for a few hours, these tips have really helped out, although I recognize the Assassin's worth as not a PK but a bot-killer and base-wrecker, then and only then a PK.

    For tl;dr Assassins looking for morsels of information, because it depresses me how often I see Assassins do [or not do] these things :

    ^ It depresses me, yet amuses me, how often I've soloed Moneyballs by standing on the circular balcony on one of the side-pathways from the spawn. I've had a few Assaults notice me, but I've had people stand within easy killing distance [killing me, that is] and not notice that shuriken being fired from behind them are destroying their Moneyball. Also, this rule should apply at any time the opposing Moneyball is dropped. You'd be surprised with how often you'll get away with it, and how often you solo it.
  2. Cedar Tree

    Cedar Tree New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Thanks for the tips! I love playing assassin, and while I'm getting better, I still have a lot to learn and techniques to master. I'll get there though :)
  3. Oscar

    Oscar New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    -A frontal grapple will instantly kill a sniper without gold armor.
    -NOT TRUE :)
    -Sniper can survive even if he has silver armor c:)
  4. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    Well, it is implied that lunge is used before every frontal grapple whatsoever.
  5. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    A note about Assaults: If you're quick enough and latency is IN YOUR FAVOR, then it is possible to nab them out of their Charge with a facegrapple. Of course, one should only try this if they are confident they can pull it off (not me) and even then know that a one seconds worth of lag won't screw them out of this (DEFINITELY not me).
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    am i the only one that jump for mostly any face-lunge? i see the movement and i have the reaction time, why cant anyone else?

    i even do it for a lot of back-lunges. not a majority of them.
  7. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

    Likes Received:
    Updated the guide by adding some new stuff. Now it pretty much covers the basic things too.
  8. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    Re: Advanced Assassin Tactics (against all classes)

    How exactly do you jump a back lunge? You'd have to know they were there in the first place, or have ridiculous reaction time to jump over it after hearing the sound.

    Front lunges are another story.

    Also way late response.
  9. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Nice guide. Mind if I add it to my Almanac?

    I like how it's a basic, quick read for those who just want to grasp the concept. They can get in, get some info, and get out to practice. It'll also get some more traffic to your guide from mine. Plus I could always use another PC Guide for my guide's Appendix, haha.

    By the way, it's too late--I've already added it. d:
  10. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    I would modify your prioritization algorithm like so;

    If enemy moneyball is down
    -----attack it, making sure to touch it at least once every 30 seconds to keep it down
    else if you have juice
    -----kill enemy turrets
    -----1) Kill enemy bots
    -----2) Protect your own bots
    -----3) ---
    -----4) Kill enemy players that stand in the way of your bots
    -----5) Kill enemy snipers, deployed gunners, or anyone who happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (basically, with you facing their back)

    A lone assassin can keep the shields down on a moneyball indefinitely just by using hit and run tactics. As long as you're doing this you'll keep people distracted and focused on their base. Although you're no longer focusing all your energy on your other responsibilities, your team should be able to pick up the slack. Eventually you'll juice up and can hit the money ball with the S-launcher. By this point it's generally down low enough that the game will end before you run out of juice.
  11. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    I don't mind, I appreciate that actually c:
    I adjusted it a little.
  12. zanarias

    zanarias Member

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    To the front page because this deserves it.
  13. Jackal Queenston

    Jackal Queenston New Member

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  14. tfoshay

    tfoshay New Member

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    Good guide by a good player. +1
  15. damondium

    damondium New Member

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    Awesome guide! A couple of thoughts. These may be minor or obvious, but they didn't seem to be explicitly mentioned, so I thought I would give it a shot.

    Once you get up to lvl 3 cloak, to wipe out bots, always get behind a bot group, cloak and lunge. That way you get all of the advantages at once: extra from critical, extra from being behind, extra from lunge vs just swinging away.

    If there are other pros in the lane and you just can't get rid of them any other way, keep your distance and cloak shuriken them. If they know you can kill them easily this way if they make it easy by approaching you, they will stay out of the way. If they don't, you'll kill 'em. You'll also get bots this way and you can lunge to get bots and juice from time to time and then retreat. When you lunge they won't approach because they will be off guard. Besides, you'll be safely away right after that anyway. You'll have juice soon and then next time after the first lunge you can lunge again and juice 'em :)

    The trick here of course is, um, practice, patience, and persistance to get to the point where you are moving unpredictably to avoid snipers and rail guns, shooting shurikens on a regular basis and always shooting from cloak.

    One more thing is bot spawn camping on Spunky Cola. I only do bot spawn camping here because the spawn is not really along most folks' travel paths when they respawn and they are generally too busy dealing with the center of the arena. I just cloak and hang out between the two entrances. When they come out I mop up. If somebody happens to look my way, they probably won't see me and if they do, I have plenty of time to get away (or convince them that I have).

    On the camping, I generally only have time to get some of the bots before they get off the "driveway" area and into the arena proper. At that point, the mayhem is pretty visible, so I stop before that point. Plus, letting a few by reduces suspicion.

    The flip side of this is of course there might be somebody else doing this in my base, so whenever I get a chance I look for a camper over there as well. :)

  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Nice guide Marmalade! I took the liberty and cleaned out a few of the off topic posts.
  17. Waddle Waddle

    Waddle Waddle New Member

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    I learned 2 things playing with Marmalade today.

    1: I should not play AR assault on a server with over 160 ping when I'm high off my ***.

    2: He is a terrifyingly good assassin.

    Props Marmalade. You did WORK (though I have to say, 160 MS + Air Grapples make my brain itch, though I'm sure I was on the ground on your screen). Kudos.
  18. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Funny thing because I played against Marmalade yesterday and apparently he had a bad day and got "destroyed" as one of my friend put it.
    Not saying Marmalade is bad though.
  19. Waddle Waddle

    Waddle Waddle New Member

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    Like my game AGAINST them (granted I joined a wee bit late and was high as HELL), I got ZERO kills and 6 deaths. I haven't had zero kills... EVER. Even my first game I killed someone (spray and pray on someone who accidently charged out of the ring, IT COUNTS DAMN IT!).
    Last edited: March 2, 2011
  20. Marmalade

    Marmalade New Member

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    Yeah, I certainly wasn't in top form this day and my team sucked, however, I must compliment you on your assassin playing, it's one of the best I've seen so far.
    Also, I'm not a he. :)

    @Waddle Waddle: Thanks c:

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