Xbox Live Blitz Tips

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by KazooieBanjo, August 13, 2010.

  1. KazooieBanjo

    KazooieBanjo New Member

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    I just barely made it to the end of the 20 round thing, and if I'm going to make it through the next difficulty I'll need some tips.

    What are some effective strategies and class setups for Blitz over Live?
  2. Warskull

    Warskull New Member

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    Honestly, it is far easier without teammates. The game scales based on how many teammates you take and half of them never bother buying or upgrading turrets. They just don't carry their weight.

    1) Run around the outside of the arena, all those spots (except the two corners that aren't near a spawn path) are good places for lazer blazer turrets. The two in the corner are good spots for long shot turrets.

    2) Learn where the ejectors and annihilator are. This can save your team. Use them if the situation call s for it, they pay for themselves.

    3) Tanks rock this mode. Their spin obliterates the bots. I've gotten 400 gremlin kills in 4 player scramble, the next closest teammate was 150. 1-2 supports are recommended for turret hacking. Deployed/Juiced tanks destroy jackbot XLs.

    4) Do not build too many rocket turrets and lazer blazers. Lazer blazers are cheap, but you only really want 1 per lane. Well positioned longshots destroy things almost as soon as they spawn. That row of 5 turret spots just inside the wall, all but the center one are great spots for longshots.
  3. komanderkyle

    komanderkyle New Member

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    make a custom class of you class

    get a good group together and get two supports, a gunner/tank, and a assassin

    hack any and all turrets as supports

    buy survalence turrets, and all build a turret on all turret nods

    buy anihlator, and ejetors

    over heal as support

    if you got a good group that communicates it should be really easy
  4. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    I can suggest a few good strats based on 2 player blitz.

    Tank and Support are a good combo, the tank should have armour and firerate while the support is fine with his regular skill regen and hp regen, maybe movement too.

    Build rocket turrets but also try to get some lasers built, they are the best when it comes to the flying bots and weaker fodder, at the front of the arean when hacked they can hit bots the moment they spawn, if these blow up in later waves replace them with rockets.

    As a tank you need to do the most damage, use juice often as it's fast to earn via drops, railgun will penetrate bots so it;s a good weapon to shoot at packs, use the jet gun up close, with gold or silver fire rate you will find the railgun shoots at a good speed and the jet engine damages fast. The advert bomb will stun jackbots and at level 3 will blow up as a cluster, this wipes out most smaller fodder with ease and is super important in later waves, upgrade this to level 3 asap.

    As support you need to keep on your toes, hack turrets and heal them as they take damage, only fight when there is nothing else to do or when juiced with the shotgun as it's a beast, heal the tank if heavy bots attack and he takes damage. Plant the firebase on the upper ledge with a level 3 hack and it will cover most areas, or stick it down one of the sides to cover an area for the first 20 waves or so (in the unlimited wave mode),
  5. Sengoku no Maou

    Sengoku no Maou New Member

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    4 Supports or play as Support by yourself. The class makes Blitz mode a joke if you have enough turrets out and focus on healing and don't worry too much about fighting.
  6. The_Jx4

    The_Jx4 New Member

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    Quick Tip for 2 Player, Assault and Support is the way to go.
  7. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    It's really all in the classes.


    1) Support: THE class to play as for this mode, however it's best if you stick to only two of them.

    2) Tank/Gunner: Tank is slightly better as he is more defensive but they both provide awesomeness, you can never have too many of these guys however you still should have a support.

    3) Sniper: Ice traps and flak are just beautiful and the ability to grapple jackbots is really just icing on the cake, for best results it may be worth investing in a jumpad to get in a optimum sniping postion away from all those bad bouncers and gremlins.

    1) Assassin, a really amazing class and the ability to grapple jackbots is great is just well, snipers can do the same thing and just a few hits and she's out for the count... Better suited for taking out turrets and Pro's than helping them.
  8. XI_Mr_Pants_IX

    XI_Mr_Pants_IX New Member

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    My friend and I were able to make it to Wave 38 of Sudden Death Blitz. We were both assassins. =3 Classes have very little to do with your progress, it's all about turrets. Though Support is nice in this area.
  9. TouchFuzzy

    TouchFuzzy New Member

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    I would disagree about Assassin. They are very useful for Blitz. Don't underestimate their ability to take out bots, they can clean a wave really quickly. My friend and I 2-manned all of the blitz modes (other than the infinite one, obviously) with Tank and Assassin. As long as you both focus on building and upgrading turrets, all goes well. Just watch for Buzzers, though he usually cloaked so I could jetgun them down.

    One thing I like to do is build a ShaveIce turret on the turret nub just behind the bridge at the front. This thing helps out early game immensely, especially in scramble. Gremlins are a joke as a Tank if you hang out in the ShaveIce since you can see where they are thanks to the ice debuff. Same with Bouncers.

    Some skills just aren't as useful in Blitz as they are in Crossfire, in my opinion, so be sure to prioritize. And keep those turrets up and running! Ejectors are handy in a tight spot, too.
  10. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Supports help to get you through the Blitz mode but are the hardest to earn money. If you like the money earned leaderboards then Support is not the way to go.
    Since in Blitz mode you do not get money for bots the turrets you built kill he's harder to earn money for.
  11. dragonfist

    dragonfist Member

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    Have a couple of Supports and Either Tanks or Gunners. The other classes won't do much in the higher rounds. I got to round 64 with 2 Supports, a Gunner, and a Sniper. If the Sniper was another class we would've gotten farther.
  12. fatMasticator

    fatMasticator New Member

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    Don't buy turrets just because you can. Every time a blitz starts people drop lazer blazers everywhere which inevitably die to the Jackbot XL waves. If you hold onto your cash until you can afford the uber beefy level 2-3 Rockit turrets they will last you until the hard waves.

    1-10 is cake you shouldn't need turrets.

    10-20 is harder, but you can do it with only a shaved ice in the middle.

    20-30 can wreck you. Buy Rockit Turrets and immediately upgrade them to level 2. They are beefy enough that they will survive till 30 even without support healing.

    30-40 is more of the same just faster moving bots. Scramblers spawn amongst the fodder.

    40+ is painful. bots move even faster coming in massive waves.

    my record is wave 64 with 3 people, but everything after wave 40 was just a blur its very intense. Level 3 Rockit Turrets really cleaned up.
  13. mainvity1

    mainvity1 New Member

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    what i just did was make a support with:
    gold critical for healing and such
    silver juice
    bronze health regeneration
    and find 3 other people and have fun :D

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  14. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    I did the scramble first try with a Tank, Gunner, Support and Assault. Lazer Blazers and Shavices on many spots are good and the annihilator is very important for the buzzer/gremlin waves. Assaults and gunners should stay on the top area so they don't get killed off repeatedly by the early gremlins. Good luck!
  15. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    Me and my friend just made it to round 305! :lol: I was support and he was a tank. We built a shaveice in the middle under the main bridge, and one in between the side and back spawns for both sides making 3 in total. Everything else was rockets :shock: We may have been better off with longshots along the back row because after a certain level nothing spawns behind you. We figured that at the speed the bots were running longshots would take too long to hit them. Most likely wrong though. I hacked the two rockets next to the middle shaveice and the two behind them near the moneyball. My freind got bacon and then used the rail gun for the rest of the game. With juice and bacon that thing can kill a jackbot in 10 shots. And the supports weapons become useless as time progresses, the heal/hurt gun doesnt damage bots almost at all so just heal turrets, use ejectors and the annhialator. And airstrikes stop killing and start just moving bots. They do damage them, but place them so they'll throw the bots backwards. I managed to throw a blackjack pretty much onto the moneyball once. Not fun. My firebase was up on the raised platform out front to kill gapshots so our turrets wouldnt die. If this tactic got us to 305 it must be a pretty good one! :mrgreen:

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