and still loving this game...! im a 40 year old married man, and do to some physical problems i got time to play games after playing wow for 5 years and most shooters that came out the last couple off years, i was surging for a game that would be intresting to play for longer than a few weeks, i saw the trailer off mnc and was hooked, the gameplay is exacly what i was looking for, and so far the game dident disepoint me....! so after 100 hours of fun i found out that.. 1.. support best class 2.. teammatching is crap 3.. dying from assasin is lame/killing them is best fun ever.. 4.. turrets need more armor 5.. cheaters should be killed whit fire.. so what are your thougheds about this game after 100 hours played.? sorry for typos, im not english..
+130, still having a blast. Not going to stop playing until I overtake Statement on the earnings leaderboard.
if bin reading true your sniper guide and i think i will give it a try, since battlfield this exualy looks like a nice sniper to play again i love the thing they did by ething traps to the sniper build, give me a bit off the feeling i get from playing hunter in wow, same as the support class gives me a feeling like playing boderlands, and so i find a lot of things i like in differnt games back in this one..
30 hours ish for me. I don't get as much time to play as I'd like. I still love the game, but don't get to play more than an hour or two at a time.
34 year old married man and father of two. Right now I have 130 hours in this game. Although my 8 year old plays a round of blitz here and there (single player). I bought it during beta. I am still hooked on this game. Although at this much time, I don't feel like I am playing as good as I should. I'm a shooter noob though and my learning is a bit slower. As for my other thoughts; there is a nice balance in the classes. Maybe a minor issue or two, but nothing that is that big of a deal. The assault is a fun class and the support seems really good too. I need to venture into more classes, but I can't stay away from the assault. I play support once in a while.
A little over 140 hours retail version, plus about 100 hours beta version. The only thing I'd have to say is... More maps. :lol:
Steam says 200 for me. I'm guessing that includes both retail and beta. Probably another 100+ on 360 too