A rant on all I want in this game.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Randomdude02, February 7, 2011.

  1. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well, finally getting around to it, there's a lot that I wish was added to the game, or changed in some way.

    Assault's bomb.
    Nuff said.

    Assassin's smoke bomb/lunge.
    Her lunge off host is a tad inconsistent. Irritating, but nothing more to me. Her smokebomb, on the other hand, is royally f*cked up. I've had BOTH glitches occur where it isn't depleted, and where I don't jump. So, I smoke bombed about five times and jumped a total of two feet in the air in less than three seconds. It wasn't a laggy game, mind you. Same ol' run of the mill thing. These both royally screw over the Assassin in ways you can't describe. Oh you can, say you? Did you include fried chicken? Didn't think so.

    Hit detection.

    While there's already a vast improvement from where we started, there's just a literal world of difference for the Tank and Sniper on and off host. You go from "Maybe if I'm lucky this will hit at point blank on the person who's standing still", to, *COUGH* .... "Oh, did I do that?" If host could be brought down, or non host brought up, that'd be awesome. I realize host is what they're meant to be, but when only one out of twelve players get's that, and it can literally be described as game breaking, I'd say some evaluation is in order.

    Again, nuff said. One particular plea is some type of reward for.... supporting other players.

    Now, see here. These truly astound me. They're meant to play a large part in the game. However, only two are a viable option at any given time. Rock It's, and Shaveices. You're better off buying juice and jumping off the edge than buying a Longshot or a Lazer Blazer. Granted, Lazer Blazers are getting fixed, but Longshots are basically free money for the enemy team. And, speaking of money....

    We've all been a victim at one time or another. We get that wonderful turrent up to Lv. 2, we go out to do our business, and when we come back, what happens? Yep. Your potential money maker and wealthy investment now belongs to someone else. BULL. SH*T. That's right. I'm callin' it. That is some grade A bullsh*t. And while my dying lawn, and perhaps my starving dogs, demand more, I say nay. I understand that whoever bought that last level invested more in it than me. However. What the f*ck? I started the damn thing. I should get SOME type of return on it. Something. Anything. Preferably, an Assist on all Bots and Pros it may kill. Sounds PERFECTLY reasonable, and I can't stress enough how much I want this. Hell, maybe it'd actually encourage more than one person to make a base defense. Who knows.

    More powerful bots in OT.
    See, I like OT's idea of multiple bots. Really, I do. However. It seems to be completely, and utterly pointless. How many times, out of the many, many many games you've played, has the Jackbot actually contributed in OT. And when I say contribute, this does not include free juice to the enemy team. They're slow. Predictable. And, oddly, fragile. I feel that we should see an upgrade. If a game's lasted 15 minutes, why do we see the plain ol' Jackbot that everyone and Bullseye laughs at? I want those fancy, smachy Jackbots you see in round 80 and up in Blitz. The one's who actually scare you with their numbers, and speed, instead of making you scream for ice cream. As of now, practically pointless.

    EDIT: Oh. And this. Why no cool names for upgrades. Uber, I am dissapoint.
    That's all for now folks! I'm sure more will come with rage.
    Last edited: February 7, 2011
  2. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Bots in overtime don't sound appealing to me...

    However, assault bombs need to not stack somehow. Make them regen like firebases, make them cooldown a bit longer, they could use it. Nerf their moneyball damage by 30% when juiced or even maybe less, they are too good right now but they aren't much better than support shotgun airstrikes, and they shouldn't be worse than supports juiced. They could even use a slower fly speed. They don't need to be nerfed too greatly, their job of killing stuff and having mobility is what they are in the game for, and that is comphensated by them doing less damage with a grenade launcher than can be healed by a hhgun.

    Perhaps... here is the deal with turrets. They should have a $100 feature to regen at silver-rate-hhgun speed for 8 seconds. This makes it an option to have less supports, although at a big cost so it would just be better overall to have a support. I just feel that NEEDING a support isn't great, not for 1v1 matches, not for blitz, it's not. ALSO, it adds greater importance to money.

    THEN, when upgrading a turret someone else bought, they continue to get assists. Promotes teamwork. Alternatively, make the next person who upgrades pay the total turret cost, and it refunds you the cost of the upgrades. 1050 for a lvl3 Rokkit, the last upgrader gets 450 back.
  3. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    This is also a good idea/point. Not NEEDING a Support to heal a turrent would be quite nice.

    Also like. Though, I'd prefer to get an Assist.

    Oh, forgot one: Being able to destroy turrents you've created. There have been heated moments in which I've accidentally bought a Lv 1 Lazer Blazer instead of ANYTHING ELSE.
  4. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I'll chime in by saying that turrets do happen to self-heal after some time has passed where they are undamaged, though I don't know how long that time is. Perhaps just reducing the amount of time needed for the self-healing to kick in would do the trick. I do like the idea of giving players who have constructed a turret, but are not the current owner getting assists.
  5. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I think the upgrade names are perfectly fine.
  6. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    This was forgotten, but now remembered. Practically unnoticeable, but at least it's there.

    Sniper 2 vs. Supah Snipah.

    Supah Snipah wins. BY A LANDSLIDE.
  7. timmy TED

    timmy TED New Member

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    I have an Idea for more powerful overtime bots.

    1 bouncer and 1 set of buzzers per jackboot spawn
  8. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Or spawn them like they do in Blitz. After 1st Jackbot, they get a buff in health and speed. Same for second Jackbot, and so on.
  9. Wandrian Wvlf

    Wandrian Wvlf New Member

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    Yes, make OT a bot orgy. No, no sarcasm. That sounds like fun to me :D
  10. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Jackbots in OT certainly don't make me feel rushed and panicked. I'm being panicked by those juiced assassins and assaults but those jackbots should contribute to the feeling of overtime besides "lolfree juice".

    I agree with high end, SSD style jackbots.
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I think the OT Jackbots should be able to fly.
  12. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    With cloak. And Charge Grapples. And a taunt for every kill. And you can pilot them. It IS in the future after all.....
  13. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    No. Just, no. Way too... I don't know the word... Like immature, but not quite.

  14. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Well, the sniper as a character is already pretty immature in some ways. He'd probably choose Supah Snipah while bragging about his ability to headshot noobs and saying he's the reason his team won.

    But obviously assassin's Outfit 3 is just dumb filler for the unfinished build of the game.
  15. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    But he doesn't even talk like that! When it would be with his accent, it would be Supuuuur Snipuuuuur (deducted from "Juice. is. SUUUUUUUUURved). :lol:
  16. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Moar genius ideas with time.

    Forgot about this, but destroying the turrents that you've built. While the potential for griefing on this is pretty noticeable (guy upgrades Rock It to Lv 3, destroys), I would rather have that than the occasional moment where I go "HOLY SH*T. I DIDN'T WANT TO BUILD A LAZER BLAZER! ****!" Some type of reward like half the money you spent would be nice, but the action itself is enough.

    Juice, in general. The more I think about it, the more I dislike Juice.

    The placements make it difficult for breaking out of a rut. Spunky is pretty close to perfect. Right next to your base, so if your team is in trouble, you can get to it without to much effort. Anywhere else makes it pretty difficult to push back the enemy team.

    Also, it really is just, too, powerful, in some aspects. I understand the need for a player to take out a turtle. However, as it is, I just feel it's too powerful. There's no one thing. It's more of an accumulation. The ease of obtaining juice later on, ESPECIALLY with a streak is ridiculous. I really, truly honestly think Juice needs to have a markup with each purchase. Many a game, I can Juice chain for a solid five minutes due to the cash received back with each attack.

    While you should watch your bots, maybe tune down how much you get for a melee a little bit? I dunno. Maybe I play too many pubs, but the ease from which you can gain juice off of bots is a bit scary. A third, or a half as much? I just feel it's difficult to be on it all the time. Similar to a deployed Tank in front of a Lazer Blazer. While it IS their fault for building one, it's just too much.

    Aaaand, that's all I can think of..... for now.
  17. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I would pay 600 bucks to piss a guy off :roll:
  18. Tadferd

    Tadferd New Member

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    All I find that Jackbots in overtime do is ring me out if I forget about them. :lol:

    Other than that they are just free juice.
  19. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    OH! Kept forgetting about this, but quite important.

    The ability to see the bottom half of your screen while respawning. Srsly. There's got to be a way.

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