Steel Peel problem

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by sn0wy0bject, August 13, 2010.

  1. sn0wy0bject

    sn0wy0bject New Member

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    ive found that on the map steel peel people just build a 3.3 firebase at each gate. it is really annoying. any strategy for preventing or thwarting this?

    also, on this note, this map is a spawn campers dream.
  2. BlyndSentry

    BlyndSentry New Member

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    I'd personally try to get a gunners deploy up to grade 3 (to avoid being instantly headshotted) then deploy at a safe distance and mortar it (upgraded passive helps here too.) If one of your teammates is actually interested in helping you out they could sacrifice themselves to assassinate the support to stop him healing it while you shell it.
  3. forrestthewoods

    forrestthewoods Uber Alumni

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    You have lots of options. A Support character on your team can throw an airstrike to instantly kill their turret. If their turret is on the bridge you can even throw the airstrike on the ground below it! Assassin can use her smoke bomb to stun the turret and take it out. Tank can use his product bomb to both stun and deal heavy damage.

    Assault can of course pelt it with grenades. Gunner can launch mortars or deploy and blast. Sniper is also really good with explosive shot because it deals heavy damage and forces the enemy support character to back away.

    Good luck!
  4. sn0wy0bject

    sn0wy0bject New Member

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    see the problem with all that is they (usually 2 supports) continuously heal/hack it. so without multiple people attacking it which even then is difficult. i spent a whole match trying to kill them and eventually we (3 tanks) took them out. it was then their plan to use all the points they got to spam gap shots. we then proceeded to lose.
  5. Ronin Tetsuro

    Ronin Tetsuro New Member

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    Dear god. Yeah, I bet. Gapshot spam usually = run around and die.
  6. Tigerfox 360

    Tigerfox 360 New Member

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    the only tactics i think is untrue there is the assassin.
    the smoke bomb stun doesn't last long enough to let the assassin cut the firebase to pieces on its own.
    i know this by experience.

    other than that, the rest of the tactics are gold..

    firebase lockdowns are brutal if your team isnt working together.
    if your team isnt working together, your losing anyway though.
  7. Portal8229

    Portal8229 New Member

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    Assasin's Sheriuken Gun shoots faster and reloads fast enough to beat a support healing it, I love taking out firebases and then assassinating the ******* support.
  8. Xyghaar

    Xyghaar New Member

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    I main Support and I'm pretty good at it, so you can trust me when I say that Steel Peel is definitely the best map in the game for Support players (I've now gotten 14 Undefeated titles on that map, compared to my 2 total for all other maps combined), so you're not imagining things when you say that 2 good Support players can lock your team in your base. But you can break their camp, if you know what you're doing. A breakdown on all 6 classes vs entrenched Supports on Steel Peel:

    DO NOT ATTACK THEM WITH ASSASSINS. I cannot stress this point enough; if you keep running at them, all you'll do is give them money to buy more gapshots. You might even succeed in killing the support if you try enough times... but the firebase stays where it is, and they'll be back within 20 seconds... long before the hack and overheal have worn off. What's worse, killing them usually HELPS their team because it teleports them back to their base so they can start calling in gapshots. "Shurikens from a distance" isn't a much better option, since most of the time there will be a gunner/assault up near the 3.3 firebase, and he'll just blow you away. Honestly, from my experience playing Steel Peel I'd suggest that you never, ever need an assassin unless the game goes to overtime, and then only to help stop the flood of jackbots. Assassins on that map are just easy money for Supports.

    DO NOT attack them with Snipers. EVER. Yes, you can slowly kill their firebase by shooting it enough times... but then you just have far worse problems, because the Support you THINK you're annoying now has full juice from all the healing he's done. I often build my firebase on the right bridge as you look out of the base, where I KNOW a Sniper can/will hit it, simply because I know doing so is the safest, surest, and fastest way to get me positioned right above their base with my body a-bursting full of the juices.

    DO NOT attack them with Tanks. I am completely baffled as to why anyone would even try this, but a LOT of my turret kills every game are Tanks that get mad and continue to run at me, so apparently it sometimes seems like a good idea? It's not.

    DO attack them with Supports. The best way to break a firebase camp is an airstrike, because it's guaranteed to destroy the firebase. You might die, and you might not kill the support... but the firebase is the important thing, if you take it out your tanks/gunners/etc can push out of your base and kill the support(s) easily. If the enemy firebase is underneath one of the bridges, 2 airstrikes next to the bridge will still kill it.

    DO attack them with Gunners. Not many people seem to know this, BUT... the Gunner has a mortar for a secondary weapon. And it, you know, is SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO DESTROY TURRETS. All you minigun-exclusive Gunner players might want to look into that at some point.

    DO attack them with Assaults. Your manual detonation bomb will send those supports (and anyone else nearby) FLYING through the air, leaving the firebase an easy kill for your grenade launcher and/or your teammates. Furthermore, your ability to fly past the guns allows you to harass/spawn kill the Supports at the other team's base, far from the safety net of their firebases. In a map as vertical as Steel Peel, you're far better in this role than your team's assassins!
  9. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    Worded perfectly, great advice I main support and everything you said is right on point.

    My gt is sokoto btw feel free to add me ;).
  10. lawlimbad

    lawlimbad New Member

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    ugh I was wondering how long I could go before people would realize how to take them out :p

    Also as a gunner if you can get close enough and deploy with the minigun you will take it out fast. Gunners are good against turrets close range because every bullet will hit the turret.

    By far the quickest way to get them though, like he said, is with the mortar on gunner or grenade launcher on assault
  11. Necroscourge

    Necroscourge New Member

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    I never found this to be a problem. If your team is actually paying attention then it really should never happen. Really its the every now and then spawn camping tank that makes me want to jump in the game and strangle people. I really wish there was some sort of way to make that impossible. Its frustrating almost winning only for some no lifer tank to sneak into your base and make it impossible to rejoin the fight for 2-3 minutes.
  12. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    A lot of players underestimate the strengh of the sniper's flak bomb, it may not be super strong but it is a great tool to remove firebases and turrets, plus it makes people move out of the way of them to avoid the hurt. I play as an attacking sniper sometimes and can pin down their team in their base area with flak and ice traps :)
  13. xxxScorpion

    xxxScorpion New Member

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    The shoulder areas on this map kill me. There's not a good vantage point to throw shurikens and if I get close smart players bounce me off the level with the gunner.
  14. cazoofoo

    cazoofoo New Member

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    Assassin, the really awesome thing I discovered is that you can cloak while grappling effectively stopping all turrets and bots from attacking you while grappling, it's amazing... So back-stab that pasty Italian *** then shuriken spam that tin bucket and your ready to go :mrgreen:

    One issue I have with this map is snipers, for the love of god snipers...
  15. Cruddierartist

    Cruddierartist New Member

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    I agree with pretty much everything you've said except for this....I'm a pretty good assasin and I know how to take out a support standing beside a firebase (as long as he isn't propped up by a lvl 3 rocket turret as well) and escape thereafter.

    Once I've upgraded to level 3 and received my sword I'll cloak, sneak up on an unsuspecting support, hit grapple, then either A) immediately cloak a split second before the animation is done and take very minimul damage from the firebase or B) hit my smoke grenade and launch myself through the air back into safety...You can also cloak while coming down from a launch.

    If you save your smoke, don't waist your cloak, and pick smart targets you can get yourself to safety almost every time....If you're just blindly running in with cloak on, grappling, then trying to melee you will die.

    Also if you're fast and accurate enough you can dash+melee into a grapple and take out any unsuspecting player on the field with this combo regardless of having a sword....Finish it up with a smoke bomb + jump and cloak on the way down and you'll be able to hide and heal for a few seconds before running back in...Combined with level 3 cloak (regenerates while standing still) this combo is amazing.
  16. Imsoooometal

    Imsoooometal New Member

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  17. Acosta02

    Acosta02 New Member

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    Okay, but that doesn't really work in a multi-support scenario. You can be killed pretty easily if there's another support nearby; he'll either blast you with the shotgun or... yeah, he'll probably just shotgun you. And considering just killing a support isn't enough to stop the base, you'll need your team to act fast and kill both the turrets while there's still just the one support guarding both turrets.

    And if you're that coordinated, why not just have the team kill the turrets while the supports are still there? Xyghaar's strategies make sense to me (although somebody suggested the flak bomb, which is another good point).
  18. Ronin Tetsuro

    Ronin Tetsuro New Member

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    The mortar is one of the most underused weapons in the game. Wrecks house on bots (especially if you get a height advantage), does a good job on turrets, and is great for rapid splash damage when working on getting inside the MB "ring", and picking off those who perch right outside spawn.
  19. Cruddierartist

    Cruddierartist New Member

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    In a multi-support scenario any class will pretty much be destroyed if they attempt to take them both out in close combat :? ...I definitely don't run in as an assasin if I see two supports camping together....BUT if I were to wait until they were seperated or not watching each other THEN backstab + cloak into smokebomb + jump I'd be halfway accross the map before the other one could take me out.

    All that I'm saying is that support doesn't automatically own the assasin class if you're playing intelligently, you can cloak while in the grapple animation and immediately after blind any close enemies and jump away, it's a very effective close combat strategy but it takes practice and most of the time only eliminanate players, not turrets.

    The assasin class for me is best played by taking out unsuspecting snipers, stragglers, and sunning turrets/eliminating supports so that teamates can focus on destroying turrets.
  20. dragonfist

    dragonfist Member

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    I do this ALL the time!!

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