Sorry if this seems rude or unprofessional but I need a little bit of help. you see when I first had PA installed. No sound would play. So I assumed it was just made that way. it was only after messing around for a bit and watching vids and I found out that its just not working at all. So I came here to seek guidance, sass, and wisdom on my issue here. The wierd issue is that when I go to start the game I hear a very slight hum and then it stops. Any and all advice would be appreciated . thank you and have a nice day
Did you try turning it on or off? In all seriousness, could you provide a dxdiag? If you are unsure of what I am referring to, google is your friend.
Could you provide your most recent log file located in %localappdata%\uber entertainment\planetary annihilation\log?
Don't worry about it. I got it fixed. turns out if you type in /audiomax into steam it plays all possible audio possible. my ears bled but its ok volumes my friend. Again sorry for cauing trouble. you can close this now.