Picking your battles/

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by violetania, January 21, 2015.

  1. violetania

    violetania Well-Known Member

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    I played a few games this morning and in one of the 1v1s I did a lot of people commented that I had the lead but I'm awful at choosing my battles.
    I know this is a relatively broad question but how do you pick battles/trade/kite/i don't understand any of these terms i don't think... ahahahaha
    On a side note.... what do you do against walls, comm pushes and how on earth to people win against tanks with doxes >.< And also when/why would you use a comm push, i'm so awful at comm-boxing >.<

    Lastly... clopse is a super nice person and I DON'T LIKE DOM!!!! Just thought i'd make that very clear to all the people watching the stream >.>

    Anyways, thanks in advance!!!! <3

    (p.s. last question i promise..... does anyone who have small hands use hotbuild?? Have you changed any of the key bindings and to what??? I tried learning it but it's rather awkward jumping key to key >.< eek! ahahaha sorry that turned out to be rather long...)
  2. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    Pelters > walls, especially a blob of pelters.

    From fights you got to quickly count the units and then see if they all fight at once, or come in 1 by 1. If you got more and they can all fight at the same moment (tight cluster), you can take the fight. Understand that unit composition matters a lot too but i got no idea how to explain that.
  3. g0hstreaper

    g0hstreaper Well-Known Member

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    Q#1 Vision, don't start / take fights blindly, if you don't know how many units your opponent is attacking you with then just back off until you can see who is numerically superior. To effectively trade select all your units then right click a center unit in the "mass" so then bunch up. With these units now more closer you have a greater amount of units able to fire.

    Q#2 Walls/Com pushes, boom bots seem to work pretty well for me but flame tanks are a good way to topple them with enough units to back them.

    For bot micro I would ask @burntcustard and he can teach you really wellXD ( I hate dox's and love tanks sooo I'm not the best to answer that.)
  4. xankar

    xankar Post Master General

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    "what do you do against walls, comm pushes and when/why would you use a comm push"

    First, what to do against walls: You honestly can't do much against walls if you try to take them head on except try to push forward and take them down with infernos. If you see walls and units behind them either go around the walls somehow or build pelters and shoot over them.

    Comm pushes: If there's a comm push then there's going to be walls, repeat as stated above or try and go in for the commander kill with your units by targeting the commander, you're units will shoot over walls and attack the commander since the comm is so tall (same thing for turrets behind walls). Using booms doesn't work too well since a comm push is normally followed by a bunch of units. The only time booms can be effective is when the opponent doesn't know how to uber cannon.

    When/why would you use a comm push: Now I can only talk from experience and personal opinion here, but I use comm pushes a ton, especially when I need to push back enemy units that are advancing forward into my base. A commander push is literally a commander push; meant to be used to push things back and/or make an advance on enemy territory and capture it. If done properly, comm pushes are also extremely effective mid game (that point when enemy has a lot but doesn't have t2, this especially in ranked maps or small-ish maps). The comm push can take out a ton of units and can allow your units to push forward into an enemy base. The way I see it, the commander is an extremely powerful unit and should be used accordingly.

    I thought this would be shorter (279 words hehe)
    cptconundrum likes this.
  5. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    Know what you're opponent is doing at all times. Have fighters everywhere and when the enemy is moving armies towards you, hold back until you have enough reinforcements to crush them. Manipulate their movements with small distraction forces like groups of 10 dox to force them to hold off on attacking you. Manipulate the terrain to go past the enemy forces when outnumbered to get any damage in that you can.
    Boom bots and infernos.
    Micro. Lots of micro. Just divide their attention to make sure that their micro there will be to their detriment elsewhere.
    Because some people aren't.

    Com pushes are to be used when you have a nice clump of tanks and are ready to move in on the enemy base. By com pushing you can destroy large numbers of enemy tanks while losing comparatively few of your own. Just be careful with how you handle your com, run when it starts getting too low.
    Seems legit.
    lapsedpacifist likes this.
  6. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    I highly recommend getting a Razer Orbweaver (they're kinda overpriced, but it was worth it), it's what I use and i can bind 5 extra keys to my thumb, which is the most agile appendage but gets no love on normal keyboards since spacebar is the only thing that you can reach unless you're not a human.

    It's also adjustable for small hands ;)
    violetania, didlix and xankar like this.
  7. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    I made a diagram to explain how to beat tanks with Dox.
    1. [Dox][Dox]----------[Tanks][Tanks]
    2. [Dox]-----------------[Tanks][Tanks]------------------[Dox]
    3. [Dox]----------[Tanks]---------------[Tanks]----------[Dox]
    4. [Dox][Dox]---[Tanks]---------------[Tanks]
    5. [Dox][Dox][DeadTanks]------------[Tanks]
    6. -------------[Dox][Dox]--------------[Tanks]
    7. ----------------------------[Dox][DeadTanks]
    Basically you get them to split up their force, and then attack their small groups one by one with (nearly) your whole army, massively outnumbering the enemy units in every fight.

    I might be explaining this further on the weekend :)

    Also my diagram looks like a Narwhal.
  8. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    If they have more stuff, run away like coward. If they have less stuff, attack them like bully. If you don't know what they have, attack them to see, and then run away if they have more stuff. You are being too nice to your opponents....

    Build some walls too

    Did you try shooting him?

    By having many doxes and other person not moving tanks back. Dox has 20 move speed, tank has 12. If you move your tank backwards (or same direction as dox are attacking you), dox becomes slower and move only at 8 speed. This means you can pew pew them more

    When you are going to lose anyway. It's to use uber cannon and walls to even up any snowball in unit numbers.

    Tsundere (ツンデレ?, pronounced [tsɯndeɽe]) is a Japanese character development process that describes a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time.

    Finger stretches for the elderly
  9. recoil345

    recoil345 Active Member

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    Perhaps grenadiers would be helpful to take out any type of turret behind them and then charge at them with infernos.
  10. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    No no no no no no no.

    Just no.

  11. recoil345

    recoil345 Active Member

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    lol, well, I guess that solves my little suggestion.
    jeffrobot and stuart98 like this.
  12. Jackbandanna

    Jackbandanna Active Member

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    If you have radar coverage of the enemies walls, you can give boombots an area attack command on the walls you want gone. Just be sure to send enough to overwhelm the defensive torrents. But this strat might be too expensive for 1v1 matches.
  13. smithforce4305

    smithforce4305 Active Member

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    Violet you have got to love Dom is so cuddly
  14. violetania

    violetania Well-Known Member

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    Thank you everyone for replying <3 It's much appreciated hehe =3
    In reply for a few things.....
    @elodea How am i being too nice >.< And i'm not a tsundere!!!! And also Pazoki called me a yandere.... >.> and also you're such a troll! >.< And i think i understand the theory of your tank/dox speed haha >.< thanks!
    @stuart98 it is legit!!! DX
    @burntcustard i'm going to be begging for help with doxes heh =P pretty please?
    @KillerKiwiJuice I was thinking of getting that but thought since only guys really game it might have been to big, but it makes me happy to hear that it can be made smaller =D Haha! p.s. what do you think of like the madcatz strike 5 and 7 since they can be split up into something like an orbweaver?
    Anyways, thanks guys! Hehe <3 One day i might get okay-ish at pa =P heh <3
  15. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Why do you need bigger fingers? It's like typing. Oh tell me you use the mouse thumb button for shift?
  16. violetania

    violetania Well-Known Member

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    i have 1 hand for the mouse and it doesn't leave the mouse and i use wasd for the camera, so it becomes really awkward when my index fingers need to reach over to like the H key because i'm use to my other finger going there... i dunno, it's just really off putting, also my pinky doesn't like moving up and down from ctrl to 1 etc... ahahahah... >.<
  17. Murcanic

    Murcanic Well-Known Member

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    I personally don't use hot build, I don't find it useful I've binded my commander, ubercannon, attack move, patrol and some other things around the wasd and I've found it to be fine, I used to have metal and power buildings keybinded too until they changed the layout and made it so I had to press an extra button to get to them and then figure out the position on some chart things... I wish there was an option to have the old key system back xD
    violetania likes this.
  18. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Oh wasd, yeah i don't use that. 4 of my main buttons there. I use mouse middle button to move around. You have plenty of room though to organize a way to suit your finger style. Or as elodea say use the granny finger stretcher 4000.
    cptconundrum and violetania like this.
  19. dom314

    dom314 Post Master General

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    Something I've done to help with the reach thing is to actually move the 'wasd' keys one to the right. Now I use the 'esdf' keys to move the camera, and that means I can use qaz for extra stuff. Also, I only use the hotkeys that are easy to reach, like e,r,f,g and t. The other ones I tend to just use the mouse button because they are less frequent.
    violetania likes this.
  20. nuketf

    nuketf Active Member

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    can't remove all the dang quotes! DX

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