Hi, I have a brand new Asus ROG gaming laptop with the following specs: 24GB RAM Nvidia GeForce GTX 980M Intel i7 Processor 2.4Ghz (which overclocks to 3.2Ghz I believe) The game appears to run fine until I launch my commander, at which point I get around 2-3 fps, which is obviously completely unplayable. I can load the game quickly, however, and moving the planet around with the middle mouse button is completely smooth. I have looked at some advice for Nvidia cards and have disabled V-sync and enabled Threaded Optimisation. Unfortunately, this has not solved the issue. Has anyone had a similar issue, and if so how, if at all, can it be solved? Thanks.
Most likely your issue is not related to FPS (check it using Ctrl+P), but networking. In this case remove ASUS GameFirst III crapware and game will work just fine.
Also I wouldn't recommend to use "Threaded Optimization" just right now as it's may cause crashes. Though it's not related to your problem at all.
Thanks, this appeared to be exactly the problem I was facing, because I uninstalled the software and now my game is totally smooth on uber settings. Thanks.