Build 77337-pte now up

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jables, January 15, 2015.

  1. jamiem

    jamiem Active Member

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    Also really cool at running backwards from tanks. In full retreat their shells still hit. And I don't think the tanks can hit them back, although not 100% on that.
  2. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Contact your friends, or post on the forums/irc that you have a game up, or will shortly. If you stream you may also be able pick up some people via the in-game twitch list.
  3. crizmess

    crizmess Well-Known Member

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    To be honest, if it looks like a fabber and build like a fabber, then there should be no reason why it can't reclaim like a fabber.
    I think it is not intuitive to have a orbital fabber that can build teleporters on ground and support ground building fabbers but then fails to reclaim like any other fabber in the game. Yes, there is the possibility that people might reclaim an commander from orbit, but this is a edge case and is highly situational like for example sniping a commander with boom bots.
    It feels wrong, even foe a person that never reclaimed enemy structures from orbit.
    Remy561, radongog and bsergent like this.
  4. arm2thecore

    arm2thecore Active Member

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    I just toyed around with the AI for a bit, playing naval. It is getting MUCH funner FAST! Good work, Uber!
  5. Sorian

    Sorian Official PA

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    That argument is a little late. We have combat fabbers thay cannot assist with things it cannot build.
    iron71, pieman2906, cdrkf and 4 others like this.
  6. mjshorty

    mjshorty Well-Known Member

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    unless....badabadum! space debris!
  7. frostsatir

    frostsatir Active Member

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    I really concerned that pelican have ability transport commader.We could get many dirty comm rush tactics after this update.Maybe make commander impossible for pelican's loading?
    And add new t2 heavy transport in building list possible...
  8. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Out of curiosity, has the thought of moving back to Sup-Com style fabber energy usage been considered, where energy usage is not constant? It sounds like that would actually solve this problem more readily, as there is no inherent disadvantage to adding more fabbers when energy tanking (and in fact, it can be used as a method of prioritisation)? It occurs to me that one of the reasons for that change (energy tanking due to a sudden large boost to mass from reclaiming) isn't really applicable any more.
    Remy561 and bsergent like this.
  9. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I'd rather have the ability to reclaim wrecks again.
    zweistein000, iron71, xankar and 2 others like this.
  10. bsergent

    bsergent Active Member

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    I strongly support a return to dynamic energy usage on logical, functional, and practical grounds. The efficiency system is just confusing and feels more and more arbitrary.

    This is also something that can't be modded away, so it's all the more important for the devs to at least consider it since they are the only ones who can implement it.
  11. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    iron71, Remy561, xankar and 2 others like this.
  12. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Actually given a better API to control the units of a player it can be modded away. Clientside. For the player using a UI mod only. How it works? Well the mod pauses everything if you are stalled on metal for some small time amount. Let's say one tick. Then it resumes once you have a tiny bit of metal again.
    That way the energy usage will drop together with available metal with no further consequences for the player. I experimented with such a mod, but I concluded that making such a mod is very very hard to get right, as there are delays in how the UI exchanges messages with the client engine. That delay makes such fine grainded control rather hard to get right.
    I certainly agree on both: Wrecks and an economy system that is not build in a way that 1k+ apm (so automatic) micro would have an advantage.
    Remy561 and bsergent like this.
  13. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    You don´t know what´s the role of kestrels, do you? These are the units to kill masses of Tier I units in no time. This is the unit to even wipe away ground anti-air. It´s a powerful unit, proberbly the best unit in the whole game (well, super-microed-hornets are OP as hell, but you need the full APM-pwer of a player to micro them, so this isn´t a fair comparision!)

    To keep it simple: It´s a great unit and I for some it´s even the favourite one. It´s not mine course I really like Bluehawks (loving this new update!!!), but it´s at second place. Maybe Inferno is at third one, but that´s a very cool situational unit, while the Kestrel is the true generalist in the game. It just can kill every ground-based unit...
    Last edited: January 17, 2015
  14. bsergent

    bsergent Active Member

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    That's just another thing that doesn't make any sense. Using one arbitrary strangeness to justify another one is, well, strange.

    FWIW: I don't like combat fabbers at all. Mines are currently worthless and the auto repair behavior should be standard behavior for all engineers.

    I'd like to see combat fabbers removed and replaced with something like support commanders with the same range and build speed but the full t2 compliment of build options. Adjust cost accordingly if balance becomes a perceived factor. (I have not used the support commander mod.) I also see no point in mines because this game lacks stealth elements beyond fog of war, which is as it should be imo.

    The only thing I use combat fabbers for is to rapidly build anti air when establishing a beachhead via unit cannon. When we get some t2 anti air units I suspect that practice too will end and combat fabbers will for me go the route of navy and the dodo. :)
  15. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    I see combat fabbers as perfectly optimised normal fabbers and they are serving that role quite well. But as you already said Mines=Useless and not fitting into PAs scale at all! IF you do include something like them they have to cause giant explosions and feature intuitive area commands!
  16. radongog

    radongog Well-Known Member

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    Just the replacement of "Poor mans SXX" aka OrbitalFabbers! :D

    I love them too! They are now real usefull units, but can be countered in multiple ways, which is simply cool! :cool:
    Teleporters: I´d love to see more "set up four teleporters and trap the enemy in the middle" instead of "everything through this tiny teleporter"-tactics. MAYBE your way could actually help encouraging these tactics!
  17. mikeyh

    mikeyh Post Master General

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    Interrupting your regular broadcast with some non balance discussion.. the following need to be fixed:
    • stale data in games feed:
    • broken auto refresh checkbox (data-bind: checked is a value update not a function call)
    • games settings lost when browsing a system (title, mode, alliances, starting, spectators, global chat, tag, friends/public, password, etc)
    • refresh of UI when host downloads server mod
    • starting planets html is still missing from server_browser.html
    $('#detail-pane-wrapper .planet-biome').append('<img style="position:absolute;bottom:0;right:0;" src="" data-bind="visible: $data.starting_planet, attr: { src: \'coui://ui/main/game/live_game/img/planet_list_panel/icon_planet_start.png\' }" width="20" />');
    Quitch, Remy561, stuart98 and 2 others like this.
  18. bsergent

    bsergent Active Member

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    Except they can't build hardly anything. They have a worse build selection than the normal commander, literally, and he's already like tech level 0.8. :p

    I question the sanity in-game story-wise of whatever developed the combat fab. At the very least it should be able to build the basic bot factory and assist. (I'd have made that a deal breaker at the design stage if I were a commander.) :)

    But hey, whatever, if everyone likes them, I'm fine with that. But I'm personally going to ignore them like I do all of navy :) (Until they grow legs :p)

    And yeah, to make mines work you'd have to stealth them and if you add stealth into the game you're going to have to add a whole bunch more crap, like the Cybran in FAF. Even in FAF the whole stealth and cyber warfare thing is mostly useless. So I'm glad it's not in this game. Also I can totally defend it logically on future physics grounds.
  19. frostsatir

    frostsatir Active Member

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    At this time their role killing units without AA. With metal cost like 4x t1 bombers...Bombers do this work not a much worse.And only noobs invade planets without 10 or more spinners. So i am not glad.

    Yes they can destroy 1,2 or 3 AA turrets,but at t2 study of game no problems get more AA.

    Y best unit which has better alternatives.

    And in general i don't like their role at this time. As i said i prefer heavy-armored gunship role for this.
  20. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    After many hours of testing, my main problem with the PTE is selecting Combat Fabbers with my units and pulling them away, when really I want them to stay there reclaiming trees ^^

    Well plus the SXX might be a bit cheap compared to the cost of Umbrellas, not sure yet, might just be that I was catching everyone by surprise :D

    I think the energy plant HP reduction is good, but would like to see it back up to 1500 or so.

    Teleporters are pretty expensive now too :( I'd say the middle, balanced point for that would be about 800, because teleporters are fun.
    Quitch, Clopse, xankar and 1 other person like this.

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