Will do a weekly post where everyone can post their favorite videos. We'll do voting based on "likes" on each video post. The one with the most likes will get posted in game to the video tab of main menu. More details on the first real video post, but I wanted to share the idea out with everyone so you could be ready for it. I'll start the first round on Monday
Other than involving PA are there any other requirements? Can I post tutorial style videos? Cinematic? I have a back catalog
Now that sounds awesome! Is there any specifics on the type of video? Replay? Live Match? Commentated match? User made video compilation? Just curious...
I'll get right on this. After Effects needs to be dusted off first xD Prepare to watch the most epic montage/3D simulated PA video ever EDIT: What is the limit to number of lens flares per frame?
I'd say it needs to be done in PA. Other than that, I'd leave it pretty open. It'll come down to number of likes. Tutorials and whatnot totally fit.
That is funny... you know i was using PowerDirector to make videos and process and upload and was having a FIT with that tool and finally upgraded and got an Adobe Pro CC Monthly membership.... holy cow the power of some of these tools.... there are times I wish I had gone into production instead of programmer development! Anyway I feel yea… I read the post and my MIND spiraled out of control with making…. S O M E T H I N G! I am a little behind on the times and technology, but am excited to dive right in!
Okay guys first order of business is someone make an awesome guide to installing PAMM and how to use it. Lets make it so that every person who plays PA knows about mods and how to install them. Out of all the videos that could possible be put up this, in my opinion, would benefit the community the most. Then after we have that up for a few weeks we put up a video of commanders dancing to cheesy music. LET US UNITE TO BETTER PA!!!
But there's no capture command . Just get a montage of commanders chasing each other when they spawn next to each other and put Benny Hill music over it. PS: Hey... Can we enter with GIFs?