This contains some complaints and some suggestions. When joining a game of cross fire, if you cannot be put into a game after a set amount of time, you are put as host. I think it may be a better idea that instead of only having a "quick match" and "private match" option, there should be a "host public" option. While hosting you can choose the time limit and map (a first option and second option, incase the former gets vetoed.) This may stop people with bad connections from hosting (seeing as the host migration is a bit iffy as of right now) if people with good connections have the option of starting games themselves. Also, when hosting a private game in Blitz, after the game ends, a new round begins its count down. This gives you no option to change the game type or invite more people (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong.) And if you leave that lobby after the game ends, your party breaks up. This is just a suggestion, maybe you can make a online party lobby, where you can invite your friends and switch from crossfire to blitz with out having to navigate the main menu again (though it is simple enough.) Thank you for listening/reading.
I too wish there was a host public option. I have a very reliable 14mbps line and am not a rage quitter. It would be nice to be able to play more then 2-3 games before losing the connection.
And if they do make a "Host Public" option, maybe they could allow you to turn off/on certain things (Hazards, juice dispensers, jump pads, etc...) Just to add some customization. And for Blitz lobbies you should be able to customize the game more. Like allowing you to choose how many waves, intensity, starting cash, etc...
My main issue with lobbies and matchmaking is the splitting up of XBL parties when there aren't enough players on one side before the lobby timer runs down to 0. It's extremely frustrating to start up a game with friends, ready to go as a team, only to have one guy flip over to the other team because the game didn't fill up.
My main problem would be the Blitz Mode, after every single game, we'd have to disband the group to up the difficulty.
I was having another of my listed issues again last night and I would just like to hammer the point home. If you have a good connection, you should have the option of hosting a game yourself, and if it's bad, you shouldn't be forced into the host position. Though, once the host migration issues are dealt with, this won't be as big of a deal. Also, having an indicator next to names to read how well you connection is would be nice.