Misc bugs with UI and unit control

Discussion in 'Support!' started by elodea, January 9, 2015.

  1. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    1. Deselecting a unit group and then press the control number for that same group again to reselect it will fail. There is a delay before you can do this.
    2. Patrolling fighters between two points is buggy and does weird things.
    3. Dragging walls has a minimum size of 6 before you can place them. This creates a deadzone from 1 to 6, which is problematic when you only want to cover one turret with 2 or 3 walls. Drag placement for walls should be granular starting from 1.
    4. Dragging area commands such as patrol have a visibly minimum size. It won't show a circle if you drag small ones, but it will still register the small circle in effect.
    5. Units have different target points for placing buildings vs assist/build. You can place a factory at some distance and it will build completely. But if you re-issue either a build or assist order onto the unfinished building, the commander will walk towards it to 'get in range', even though it was already in range.
    6. Selection hitbox of units are determined by their model when it should be by their icon. Very big issue
    7. Cannot give units move orders that are longer than a quarter of the circumference of the planet. If issued, the units do not find the correct path and generally get stuck on obstacles that they should really path around. A very big problem especially on metal planets.
    8. Metal points become unbuildable sometimes. I tried to reproduce this but can't figure it out though i captured it on stream. There was no fabber with build orders on that mex point.
    9. mex points show up as red and invalid when trying to place due to blocking with factory exit/entry, and can only be built with area commands. A client UI/server mistmatch issue
    10. Recently new issue with fabbers told to build an already constructing building with another fabber. If the building finishes before the 2nd fabber arrives, the 2nd fabber will not move to the next building in queue like it used to in previous patches, but rather moves to the now finished building first in order to try 'build' it.
    11. If you set a waypoint to a group of factories, all the units from those factories will move out to the waypoint at the speed of the slowest unit even though you havn't issued a group order to the actual units.
    12. Cannot assist order build nukes with fabricators while the nukes are powered off, but can assist build them via a patrol order. Same with all other buildings, just the gameplay effect is mostly seen for nukes to bypass the high energy cost.
    13. The default command of 'use' on teleporters persists after death and applies even to the wreckage. Also, you have to manually use a repair or assist command to have orbital fabbers repair a teleporter because they will have the default command to 'use' it even though it's not possible.
    14. Units can get permanently stuck against fabbers in certain situations because of push priority. Re-issuing move orders doesn't fix this and requires you to move the fabricators away to create pathable space.
    15. Placing catalyst controls is finnicky and unreliable. Sometimes will appear red, or your placement doesn't lock in unless you do an area placement.
    16. Building catalysts with a group of air fabbers is unreliable as very often only a few of them will actually build it (i think most of them get pushed underground and thus cannot build?). Re-issuing the build order gets them all to start building again
    17. Bombers and other aircraft can get stuck underground or in mountains where they are invulnerable and not targetable by other air units.
    18. Boombots stutter and pause before attacking targets - not smooth at all and has some big gameplay consequences. A pretty old one
    19. Camera transition time when using next planet previous planet hotkeys is slow and cumbersome to use.
    20. Avengers refusing to shoot at other avengers and being very inaccurate. http://pastats.com/replay/16537034061273256442 - minute 14 and 14:16 [ColaColin]
    21. Area patrol for orbital units does not fully extend around the planet, you can't make a planet wide area patrol.
    22. Building metal via area command does not work if your cursor's position ends in a csg or something. A big issue on metal planets in particular
    23. Commander cannot fire at units that are at it's feet and just stares at them. Does not attack other units that are around.
    24. Select idle fabbers still unreliable. Only finds idle fabbers that have been 'updated' to this status when visible to the player on camera. Idle fabbers off camera are consistently never selected.
    25. Can build radar under bridges on metal planets where they are essentially invulnerable both from bombers and land units
    26. Cannot repair aircraft that are in the air with commander (they must be landed)
    27. Game will allow you to place white 'valid' blueprints on mines, but when the unit reaches the destination the building placement is deemed invalid.
    28. Can aim unit cannon at impassable areas such as the top and bottom of metal planets, where the units are instantly destroyed on landing.
    29. Sniperbots shoot through mountains.
    30. Need a pause game function. People should not be required to quit the game if they need a quick pause
    31. Automatic unpause when reconnecting does not take into account loading time, so your opponent gets free control time while you're staring at the sun waiting for it to load. Also issues where you can't do anything untill the ui has loaded in the build bar.
    32. No diminishing returns on automatic pause. I've already heard of player/s abusing this by constantly disconnecting and reconnecting every 2 minutes.
    33. Orders given to an unfinished teleporter blueprint will not carry over to the completed teleporter.
    34. Cannot use shift + select idle factories hotkey. It will instead select all idle factories regardless of previous selection. Same with all other select idle hotkeys
    35. Select all Air hotkey does not select air scouts [Zykey]
    36. Air units sometimes hit the tops of mountains and other CSG, even in ranked maps, and stop flying for a second, then hover back up very slowly. Maybe some kind of pathfinding that effects the Z axis would help? Unless that creates more lag of course. This is just a minor bug. [KillerKiwiJuice]
      *]toggling energy orders icon is frequently incorrect. It can show the powered icon, but all factories are actually powered off, and vice versa.
    37. end of game score screen is frequently incorrect. e.g. showing duration of 2 minutes when the game clearly went for longer as per ingame clock timer. Also frequently shows 0 on all stats
    38. attack orders given to unbuilt pelters are forgotten once the pelter finishes building. Same behaviour as teleporters
    39. Can attack trees and empty ground with aa turrets, causing the missiles to damage land units which are in the way.
    40. Units, especially those with low acceleration, cannot reclaim units that are moving. e.g. air fabs will trail behind a target that has a lower move speed than them and never actually get into reclaim range.[/S][/S]
    cont. due to character limit
    Last edited: June 25, 2015
    xankar, trilioth, chaser86 and 17 others like this.
  2. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Wow great list. Pathing in general needs to be fix.
  3. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    cont. from OP due to character limit
    1. Changing name requires a total game restart for it to take effect
    2. Restarting PA is required to see name changes of people on your friends list
    3. Reissuing identical commands (like attack order on same target) for sxx causes the unit to slow to 0 move speed and re-accelerate each time.
    4. Mines don't work underwater (don't trigger on naval units)
    5. Planet wide mine placement lags game alot. And not just for the initial placement, but continuously.
    6. Buildings can be placed such that they block another factory. Blocked factory does not produce units despite powered on
    7. Rare bug where combat fabbers can get stuck giving you continuous +60 metal by powering them off at a certain point in time while they are reclaiming treees. Havn't spent much time trying to reliably reproduce it, but it has happened incidently atleast a few times now where i thought at first it was just an fx bug.
    8. Using hotkeys like select all idle fabbers doesn't work while holding down middle mouse button to scroll, and only works on release of scroll.
    9. Some guns on battleships sometimes do not fire on targets, or target properly (only 1 shell out of the grouping will fire) if you issue a stop command on it. Resolves when a move command is given
    10. sxx model and icon is revealed to the opponent just when it is about to finish building even though there is no unit on the field that can give vision of the target. Goes back to being a radar dot after construction completed.
    11. Strategic Icons are sometimes revealed very briefly when new view is being rendered and it is laggy. e.g. switching camera to another planet for the first time.
    12. You can't chain the USE command with move, build or any other order. So e.g. if I order my fabbers to build a few buildings and then use the teleporter it will kill the build queue and the fabbers will head right away to the teleporter. [Chaser86]
    13. With the match now starting in celestial view, if you try to zoom in on a planet using the Control+Move-Up key (up arrow by default) you get a blank screen PA#4025 [N00n]
    14. The Jump To Previous/Next Planet keyboard camera controls do not jump relative to the currently focused/selected planet. Jump to the next planet (comma key by default). Now lets call this planet “target”. Using the UI in the top right corner select the planet above (or to left depending if the list is open). Now use the Jump to the next planet key again. Provided you have enough planets, you’ll not be back at the planet we previously called “target”. Fix Included PA#4210 [N00n]
    15. Unreadying after a game is started but before it launches breaks the lobby completely. [Stuart98] PA#4125 [N00n]
    16. When you have two commanders where the explosion from one kills the other, sometimes the second commander to die loses the game instead of the first. Replay ID: 8999449100565010426
    17. Pressing enter to type chat after a commander dies will kick you from the game
    18. Can't drop units from pelicans onto open and clear space.
    19. Login screen doesn't time out [Quitch]
    20. Planet Horizons are not rendered correctly, with further away objects and effects failing to layer behind the nearest planet.[​IMG]
    21. Very significant lag (1 frame every 5 seconds) issues between AU to EU server and EU to AU server.
    22. Significant lag and fps drop caused by high mouse polling rate
    23. Trees do not give a fixed ammount of metal. The ammount given per reclaim tick is determined solely by the build power of the unit doing the reclaiming. i.e. a commander reclaiming gives more metal per tree than a t1 fabber.
    24. System designer save function is unreliable
    25. changing map while lobby is uploading server mod causes server mod upload to fail
    26. Metal income in chronocam does not update if your view is set to only one player
    27. Trees often get in the way of an attack move order, causing them to ttack the trees instead of performing an attack move.
    28. Unloading units from transports onto a water surface generally causes those units to get stuck and become untargetable by the opponent.
    29. Unit move behaviour orders (hold, roam, maneuver) are instantly applied to all units, instead of only the ones you have selected.
    30. Units in factories being produced can be selected, causing factory selection to become a headache.
    31. Planets that are being halleyed become untargetable by nukes.
    32. Holkins do not always reliably target units within their max range. There are problems with the firing solution ai
    33. Picking up combat fab with transport while it is repairing something causes it to drain metal infinitely from infinite range.
    34. Chronocam game speed button is broke
    Last edited: June 30, 2015
    xankar, trilioth, chaser86 and 4 others like this.
  4. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    36. Area attack is still not flawless. Especially with bombers and boombots. Sometimes the bombers just fly circles instead of attacking the units somewhere in the circle. Also I noticed they favoured targeting walls when you do an area attack. that should be taken out for the bombers. Not for the boombots though. I don't mind them targeting the walls. they work well for those moments.
    Last edited: January 11, 2015
    stuart98 and cola_colin like this.
  5. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    37. Joke pathing. This stuff really needs to be fixed...
    Last edited: January 10, 2015
    zihuatanejo, stuart98 and cola_colin like this.
  6. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    38. Sniperbots shoot through mountains. lol...
  7. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    39. Giving attack order to battleship causes it to face it's target head on, causing it to only fire it's forward guns.
  8. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    This is a glorious list of things Uber needs to polish.
    zihuatanejo likes this.
  9. Alpha2546

    Alpha2546 Post Master General

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    40. Holkins targeting is terrible. I have no idea when to use that unit haha. Got in a game and it targeted a single dox while there was a whole army a small distance away from it. Yep it targeted the single dox.
  10. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    The holkin will target the closest target i think. It has no reasonable way of knowing whether it's target is a clump or a single unit so i'm not sure this is really a bug or UI issue. Anyway,

    41. Need a pause game function. It's weird that i need to quit the game if i only need like 20 seconds to take a piss.
    42. Automatic unpause when reconnecting does not take into account loading time so your opponent gets maybe a free half a minute of control time while you're staring at the sun waiting for it to load
    43. No diminishing returns on automatic pause. I've already heard of player/s abusing this by constantly disconnecting and reconnecting every 2 minutes.
  11. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    44. Orders given to an unfinished teleporter blueprint will not carry over to the completed teleporter.
    45. Cannot use shift + select idle factories hotkey. It will instead select all idle factories regardless of previous selection. Same with all other select idle hotkeys
    Quitch likes this.
  12. mayhemster

    mayhemster Well-Known Member

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    46. Select all Air hotkey does not select air scouts
    elodea likes this.
  13. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    Nice little bug that builds units so that they can travel under the ground or something.

    Building t2 factory like this and setting the rallypoint to the left. (you can see some stuck t2 fabbers to the top in the mountain that migrated there from this)

    stuart98, Quitch and cola_colin like this.
  14. killerkiwijuice

    killerkiwijuice Post Master General

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    This is a wonderful thread.


    48?) Air units sometimes hit the tops of mountains and other CSG, even in ranked maps, and stop flying for a second, then hover back up very slowly. Maybe some kind of pathfinding that effects the Z axis would help? Unless that creates more lag of course. This is just a minor bug.
    Last edited: January 18, 2015
  15. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    49.) When using the pip it seems that using the hotkey to swap the camera "disables" the tracking of the back of the planet. The button still shows that it should track, but it does not. Clicking the swap button works fine.
    stuart98, elodea and Quitch like this.
  16. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    50) Units can be placed in the crevice csg's, making them invulnerable and untargetable. Exploits include placing fireflies in them to gain vision.
    stuart98, Quitch and Clopse like this.
  17. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    This should probably be in GD not Support. They're not asking for help, they're providing feedback.
  18. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    51) Assisting buildings with units sometimes causes the units to stop moving and responding alltogether instead of moving towards the assisted building
    52) toggling energy orders icon is frequently incorrect. It can show the power on icon, but your factories will be powered off and vice versa.
    53) end of game score screen is frequently incorrect. e.g. showing game duration of 2 minutes when the game clearly went for longer than this as per the ingame clock timer. Also frequently shows 0 on all stats
    54) battleships refuse to hold a broadside position when near the coast. Manually setting their direction and pressing stop doesn't work as the battleship will orientate itself pointing back towards the coast for no reason
    55) attack orders given to unbuilt pelters are ignored once the pelter finishes building. Same annoying behaviour as teleporters
    56) Can attack trees with anti air turrets, causing the missiles to damage land units which are in the way.
    57) When given attack move orders, units try to find LOS around wreckage instead of shooting from their position and hitting whatever may be in between such as wreckage. This causes them to funnel through gaps between factories and other buildings one by one to their death.
    58) Units, especially those with low acceleration, cannot reclaim units that are moving. For instance, air fabbers will trail behind a target that has a lower move speed than them. They move slower than they can actually move, and thus never actually get into range to reclaim.

    New policy
    - Updating OP with all issues posted in this thread and deleting them as they are resolved just so this is more organised
    Last edited: January 29, 2015
  19. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    59) Changing name requires a total game restart for it to take effect
    60) reissuing identical commands (like attack order on same target) for sxx causes the unit to slow to 0 move speed and re-accelerate each time.
    Quitch and stuart98 like this.
  20. elodea

    elodea Post Master General

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    61) Can have teams in a free for all game mode by changing map via browse maps while initially in team armies mode.

    62) Mines don't work underwater (don't trigger on naval units)
    63) Planet wide mine placement lags game alot. And not just for the initial placement, but continuously.
    64) Factories can be placed such that they block another factory. Blocked factory does not produce units despite powered on
    65) Rare bug where combat fabbers can get stuck giving you continuous +60 metal by powering them off at a certain point in time while they are reclaiming treees. Havn't spent much time trying to reliably reproduce it, but it has happened incidently atleast a few times now where i thought at first it was just an fx bug.
    66) Submarines sometimes fire their torpedoes even though they are facing the other way and the torpedoes have no way of hitting their target due to turn rate or some such. Weird because you don't get this behaviour with t2 bombers.
    67) Using hotkeys like select all idle fabbers doesn't work while holding down middle mouse button to scroll, and only on release.

    reviewed initial list and striked 2 issues that no longer seem to be presently affecting the game. I havn't re-tested everything, so if anyone notices that one of the above issues seems to be resolved but not mentioned in changelogs, just post about it.
    Last edited: February 5, 2015
    Quitch likes this.

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