Here is some suggestions I have for improving the game, which I believe would not be all that difficult to implement, yet might improve the gameplay significantly. I am a hard-core SC/FA fan, so these mostly concern functionalities I am missing compared to those games. Thank you for considering this! 1) I would love, if it would be possible to modify the location of waypoints or planned structures, as in supcom 1 or FA. 2) Please add a building queue of structures for fabricators so one can see what it is working on. Displaying the queue on the terrain is not sufficient as the wireframe ghost structures are not easily recognizable and can be very far apart. Also it would be great, if you could remove individual objects from the queue. Again, just as SC1 and FA 3) Can you make it possible to force place enemy commanders on a different planet in a skirmish single-player game, so one has the opportunity to develop some techs before meeting him. It happens to me all the time that I encounter the commander right at the beginning of the battle. 4) Idle fabricator + idle factory buttons (as in SC1 and FA) would be extremely useful. Can't stress this one enough. 5) Customization of controls is very poor. Many feel very awkward and there is no way to change them. I really miss the possibility to press space to rotate the camera around the focal point, as, again, was the case in SC1 and FA. I realize this is not SC, but the controls there were so intuitive, I have never seen anything as good before or since. I miss the ability to look at the goings from the surface, not having to press complex combinations of keys, toggling two camera modes in the process. Besides, it's not like space has any useful purpose as it is, now. 6) One last feature I really miss from SC and FA is the ability to organize units in formations. Placing the formation on the map, using the other mouse button to select the formation type. Very useful, and at the same time, it would help overcome some of the erratic behavior the units often display currently.
4. There already are idle fabber and idle factory hotkeys. Take a look at the keyboard shortcuts in the game's settings. 5. Again, take a look at the keyboard shortcuts. You can also get the hotbuild2 mod and maybe some other ui mods to help you out. I have nothing to say about your other requests because I think they're good ideas.
Thank you for the reply. I must have missed those. Frankly, I barely play the game, as due to various issues I already posted on the bug reports, it is barely playable (most annoyingly the invisible mouse cursor). 4. I should have written, there should be an indicator, so you can see that there are idle fabricators, and use it to access them. 5. I'm not too much into mods, especially when the game itself is changing all the time, but I'll give it a try, if it's not addressed in the game... thanks.
none of those are a first time suggestion thing. and yes they all diserve to be looked into though do try hotbuild2. as for the rest can only dream ..siiiigh
Thanks for the response. I did try and look whether the suggestions have been made before, but at a glance did not find them, and since I can not spend the whole day looking for them, I just posted. I am sure they can sort it out. Thanks for suggesting hotbuild2, a mod I presume? I'll have a look.
6 is actually a mod kinda. Uber originally made a hook to draw units into a line by holding the clicker. Still ingame, but disabled with no button to enable it. The mod simply enables it, you still can't disable it, but I use it all the time, and units meeting other units in a spread maximize dps and devastate.
The mod trophysystem mentions is a very good one, however, it is a bit clunky at first and takes some time to get used to. (Just something to point out) Other than that, I do hope that Uber does consider some (if not all) of your suggestions as they are very good ones.
2) if you just hold down the shift key when playing it will show you all "qued" movements,builds, etc. 4) Agreed but the current "vanilla" hot-key to find those little buggers is F (unless you are using and hotkey mods) 5) Download PAMM (A mod manager) and get the Hotkey mod so you can do that (very easy and very simple!)
i think its a good idea what u said about the free camera right not its very hmm uncomfortable :/ and i think formations would be a great addon to the game i dunno about it being in the game already but disabled but i tried the formation mod once and it was how should i put it hmm clumsy.... so yea i'd like to see these features returning to the game with slight improvements in the formation function .
2) I am aware of that, but the problem is you can not tell what is what, you can not change the placement of new buildings or waypoints without deleting the whole queue and you can not remove individual objects from the queue without deleting the whole queue... 4) I was told that, thanks, however, an indicator of idle fabricators and factories that would also work as a shortcut, would be very useful Also I just remembered: 7) in single player I would love to have the ability to slow time or to pause the game and still be able to issue orders...
You can issue orders while paused actually, however there is a large 'dead zone' around the game paused banner....
Ah I see where your coming for all three of those points and completely agree having those implemented would be very helpful in many aspects of the game