Tipping Supports

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Wishlist' started by Getsuga Tensho, February 14, 2011.

  1. Getsuga Tensho

    Getsuga Tensho New Member

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    I made a comment in a thread on the SPUF MNC forums that seemed popular enough. Made a thread for it and got some interest so I thought I'd see what people here think.

    I'd quite like and find it amusing if we could press a key, say the "X" key and tip the Support a little of our money. If they've just saved you and/or helped you pull something off where you'd otherwise have died you could give them a little something for it.

    It would also allow additional Pro tags for tipping and receiving tips to be added. My idea is you'd tip by hitting "X" while being healed. I'm also open to the idea of going up to a Support and hitting "X" to tip them, possibly if it's within a time of something like 10-15 seconds after the healing beam is disconnected. Say the tipping amount is something like $50. If you are healed by a Support and press "X" at any time then the tip would instantly be given to the Support with no pause. If the Support stops healing you then you have 10 to 15 seconds to tip them if you wish. Tipping a Support in this time frame would be done by being near them and would also be instant so as not to pause gameplay. "X" is also a convenient position for the default tipping key so you won't have to stop to find it.

    The amount of money given wouldn't be dependent on whether the Support got assists or helped someone survive a back grapple because I think that'd complicate things a bit. A set amount keeps things simple and means if you want to tip a Support, you'll always know exactly how much you're giving.

    Also if it ever became an issue of people tipping over and over again there could simply be a small cool down before you can tip that Support again. I don't think it would become much of an issue myself. I'd be quite happy with the idea of tipping a Support $50 for helping with something minor like getting me back into the fight quickly and having the choice of tipping them again to make it $100 if they did something a bit more major.

    I quite enjoy playing Support and helping people out with things. I also like it on the occasion where I'll play in the game as an Assault and the Support there heals me to keep me in the fight and take out turrets and pros I normally wouldn't be able to.

    Just a little something for Supports. It's always nice to receive a little something for helping, even better if it was actively given by another player.

    Oh and also came up with the idea of being able to tip Supports via a firebase if it heals you. Sometimes there are firebases placed in brilliant positions that provide a great bit to retreat to for some quick heals. Maybe that would be too much? Just putting that out there as well anyway.
    Last edited: February 14, 2011
  2. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    I like this idea, it promotes more team work, and letting you give your extra money to the Support so he can set up the base while you are on the front lines sounds great. It will have to be a different button though, because the "C" button is the melee swing button.
  3. Musica

    Musica New Member

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    hmm they do get money for this stuff assists and money for healing I'm not sure its necessary
  4. Mail

    Mail New Member

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    I can only see this leading to a small group of supports not healing you if you don't tip, like the medics in tf2 who don't heal people who don't thank them through the voice menu.
  5. Akutare

    Akutare New Member

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    I rarely get healed by a Support half the time anyways. I would like the option of giving people a bonus to helping me stay alive in a pinch.
  6. Musica

    Musica New Member

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    I think this could have a balance issue start game donate to support he sets up a level 3.3 firebase 30 seconds in to the game
  7. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    That would mean that one team has to donate $800 to their support. While possible it would leave them gimped for some time. But you are right, that's something to consider.

    I like the idea otherwise. $50 might be a tad too much, $15 to $25 would be better. That's basically an assist or kill.
  8. Getsuga Tensho

    Getsuga Tensho New Member

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    Yeah the $50 is just a placeholder amount just to get my idea across. If it would become too much of an issue or supports getting level 3 firebases from the get go maybe only allow tips to be made after bots have started spawning or something along those lines.

    Yeah I realised that earlier when I was in MNC. Was just coming back to change that just now actually. I don't get the chance to melee very often. :p The "X" key seems like a good one to change it too.
  9. Timon

    Timon Member

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    I don't like it, cause i can see how retards start bodyblocking supports + it is interruptive for gameplay, even you dont have to bring up a menu, just cause other one has to chase the support... and the the mentioned bodyblocking comes up again.

    Aswell as supports get money for heals and assists anyways.
  10. Getsuga Tensho

    Getsuga Tensho New Member

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    You don't have to chase the Support. If they're near you or healing you, you can give it to them. If the Support isn't near you then there's no reason to chase them.
  11. Timon

    Timon Member

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    There is no Reason to build LaserBlazers either and still i see it quite often that retards set up 3 of em at the start of the round. Just sayin...
  12. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    good idea. maybe you could melee the support to hand him the cash?
  13. The Noid

    The Noid New Member

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    Sounds interesting in theory, but it also sounds like it might introduce too many problems (messing up game pacing, this being the only instance where you can trade money) for something that is far from necessary.

    If anything maybe add some sort of automatic reward. I know there's been a lot of talk about this before (and I don't personally think that Support needs more of an incentive to do their job), but if anything I would prefer getting a few extra bucks for healing someone up from them being in the red or something like that.
  14. Getsuga Tensho

    Getsuga Tensho New Member

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    Well it was already said that $50 was too much and it was just a placeholder number. It would be a reduced amount given meaning it would just be a nice small gesture of thanks. If pacing would be a problem then once again, a cool down could be added so you could only tip each Support once or twice before having to wait for the cool down.
  15. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I'd go for a $25 tip available only once per minute.
  16. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Here's a tip:
    Protect the Support Overhealing you. :lol:

    But seriously, I hate it when randoms take my overhealing for granted... selfish bastards... :roll:

    Tipping would be nice, but i think it kind of falls into the problem discussed a long time ago about sharing money with team mates and why that was not such a hot idea.

    Still, wouldn't mind being payed for risking my butt to save yours :)
  17. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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