I bought PA on Steam, I didn't buy PA on Uberent so i don't have Key。 I manually link my Steam and UberEnt accounts but i still can't play!!!!
My FIX was this... 1. DDU http://www.wagnardmobile.com/DDU/ Download Display Driver Unistaller and Install It. 2. Download your most recent Display driver although do not install yet. 3. Run DDU in safemode and unistall drivers/restart 4.Install your display driver as admin and enjoy the game. Thank you for pointing the drivers were out of date this game is awesome! Before DDU I had like ten drivers listed all versions of amd some corrupt and outdated and windows was using one of them.
[01:56:55.000] INFO Log file C:\Users\user9\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log\PA-01-56-55.000.txt opened [01:56:55.203] INFO Looks like we are running via Steam [01:56:55.203] INFO Loading mod : server_browser_show_cheat_servers [01:56:55.203] ERROR Error reading C:\Users\user9\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\mods: 3 [01:56:55.203] INFO LoadedLocalModCollection::loadLocalModCollection: Failed listDir call for "C:\Users\user9\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\mods"; no mods will be loaded from this path [01:56:55.203] WARN LoadedLocalModCollection::loadLocalModCollection: Could not open C:\Users\user9\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\mods\mods.json file; mods will not be mounted [01:56:55.203] INFO Client loaded 1 mods, mounted 0 [01:56:55.203] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_change_control [01:56:55.203] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_change_vision [01:56:55.203] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_create_unit [01:56:55.203] INFO Loading mod : cheat_allow_mod_data_updates [01:56:55.203] ERROR Error reading C:\Users\user9\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\server_mods: 3 [01:56:55.203] INFO LoadedLocalModCollection::loadLocalModCollection: Failed listDir call for "C:\Users\user9\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\server_mods"; no mods will be loaded from this path [01:56:55.203] WARN LoadedLocalModCollection::loadLocalModCollection: Could not open C:\Users\user9\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\server_mods\mods.json file; mods will not be mounted [01:56:55.203] INFO Starting async parallel for driver with 6 threads [01:56:56.155] INFO CrashID=bp-44906a2f-f2b9-4c43-ba56-a1e6e2141226 [01:56:56.155] INFO Uploader exited with exit code 0
Driver Date/Size: 12/17/2009 16:50:56, 4684288 bytes That is going to be your problem, there. Try using the driver auto-detect here.
Or better check this topic as auto-detect almost never works for mobility GPUs: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/558749190925676183/
Hi. Thanks for Dxdiag. Your gpu driver is out of date. Go to www.amd.com and get the latest driver (the new omega driver). That will probably give your other games a perf boost too . As for the accounts issue, you should just be able to play from steam. You only need to link accounts if you want to download / play on the uber dedicated launcher (it can help if the game doesn't work correctly on steam). Final tip, you can play single player without a login, however your machine is technically below minimum spec to do so (which is why single player isn't available). It will probably work though provided you keep maps small. To get that working, open game, go to settings, local server tab and change from 'auto' to 'on'. The account problem may need uber to help however they will be shut for holidays so hopefully the above will get you started let me know how you get on.
Solution yay! I had a few drivers for the same card and It basically kept selecting the corrupt one.. DDU Tool is awesome uninstalled in safe mode and installed the newest AMD driver normal windows 7 straight from the site. DDU- (magnardmobile display driver unistaller) ******* GOOGLE new user can post urls pft. AMD - same ****. my ******* tenth time editing this lol. Below are my display drivers for my card all clean only one yay, Control panel -> Device Manager -> vga composite device (right click properties -> click update driver) Browse my computer for the driver -> let me pick the driver from a list.
What ever you guys are on your own lol.. I can't even post images or links to help.. enjoy. fng captchas too! This forum is pushing me away more than invites I guess that was the goal lol.
There is a minimum post requirement before you can show images and such. There were a few spam bot attacks a while back which is why the security is a bit heavy
My FIX was this... 1. DDU http://www.wagnardmobile.com/DDU/ Download Display Driver Unistaller and Install It. 2. Download your most recent Display driver although do not install yet. 3. Run DDU in safemode and unistall drivers/restart 4.Install your display driver as admin and enjoy the game. Thank you for pointing the drivers were out of date this game is awesome!