Offensive Support Build (and other miscellaneous tips)

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by Neargood, August 12, 2010.

  1. Neargood

    Neargood New Member

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    I've had pretty good results with this build and my k/d is at around the 1.9 mark so I thought I'd share it. This build relies mostly on amazing damage output of the shotgun and Airstrike to start a strong offense. I usually just treat my shotgun like my main weapon. Nobody will notice that they're not health-buffed anyway ;-)

    Skills tips:
    Airstrike - At level 3, you can throw down three Airstrike beacons really fast if your Airstrike bar is full. Two Airstrike beacons is enough to take out any un-Support-buffed character and turret, and three Airstrikes will put big dents on Jackbots, not to mention that one Airstrike will stop a big push of enemy Black Jacks dead in its tracks. Aim higher to throw the beacon farther. If a turret or character is under a bridge/overpass, make sure to throw the beacon so that the Airstrike won't land on the bridge and hit nothing (although I have gotten my share of accidental kills this way ^^).
    Firebase - Usually you want to keep your Firebase just behind an important chokepoint to make people think twice before crossing it. Wherever your Firebase is, you want to be close by so it can provide you with cover fire or to pelt at those pesky assassins while they spin around on your face. At Firebase level 3, you even get health from them so you can push forward without the fear of having to wait for your health regen to kick in.
    Hack - Great skill, but not til endgame. Most turrets don't get too much use until people are already actually in your base. If you're heavy on defense, then you should be hacking turrets at every cooldown and waiting for the opportunity to counter-push. This will be your last priority skill-wise.
    Character Passive - Another great skill. More survivability for you, but more importantly any friendly robot around you will get INCREASED HEALTH AND FIRE RATE. Firebase 3 doesn't improve this buff so it's not as good as the jump from level 1 to 2. This passive is not to be underestimated. You should use your buffed robots as shields, cover fire, and distraction. Combined with Airstrike and Firebase, pushing a lane should be cake.

    The default Support class is set up for higher survivability with armor and health regeneration. I don't find these very necessary since you can throw Airstrike beacons pretty far without putting yourself into any trouble at all. Support can also easily fall back to his turrets or robots and just wait to recharge health. A fully upgraded Firebase even heals you, so your endorsements are better spent elsewhere.

    Gold: Skill recharge. You want to use Airstrike as often as possible
    Silver: Fire rate. The shotgun is amazing. You want to fire it faster. I know you do.
    Gold: Speed/Crit. Both are good. I'm open to other suggestions

    Skill upgrades:
    At gamestart - get Airstrike 2, and then either Firebase 2 or Passive 2 depending on your playstyle. Then save until you have 400 so you can get Airstrike 3. Cheaper, more damaging Airstrikes are no joke early game on both offense and defense. Next...

    Depending on the status of the game - Get Firebase/Passive 2 (whichever you didn't get earlier) and then Firebase 3 is your next highest priority. OR get Hack 2/3 and some turrets (if for some reason, your team needs the defensive support).
    At this point, you should be spending money on whatever you want. I know you want to skill up everything to max but just for fun, might I recommend spamming the Spawn Robot button?

    Other tips:
    - Early in the game, most people don't save money for turrets, so use your Airstrikes liberally to clear waves of robots and force them to fall back.
    - The shotgun is a force to be reckoned with. Always have your shotgun out if you're alone. There are assassins around you. There always are. Well placed shotgun shots will tear through an assassin (and even snipers) in 1 or 2 shots from close range. Even if you're not alone, you're more helpful in team fights if you're throwing down Airstrikes and pumping lead into distracted enemies.
    - Don't put yourself in danger to heal your Firebase. They cost no money to throw down. If you know you're going to lose your position, it's better to just pick it up (so you can throw it down sooner) and run away.
    - Control bridges and catwalks. Not only are they natural cover, but easy to defend since other players can only charge you if they go up a lift/ramp first.
    - If an enemy is camping the high ground, throw an Airstrike beacon under him or stick it to the wall he's standing on.

    Dueling tips
    vs other Support - You'll be switching weapons depending on the range; shotgun wins up close, Hurtgun wins from just outside that. If you are faster (via endorsements or powerups), chances are that you control this fight and can dance into and out of the range you want. Avoid his Airstrikes and throw out your own.
    vs Gunner/Tank - Run. If they're out in the open, they're big targets so you can try to stick beacons on the metal men, but usually step 1 will be to catch them distracted and pop them a few times. Step 2 will always be to run.
    vs Assassin - Most assassins act like they don't even have shuriken, so mostly you'll just be kiting them while they run into range of your shotgun. Keep them in front of you! If they grab you from the front, mash R-Trigger to shoot your shotgun as soon as the animation ends. Jump a lot so they can't grab you. (can they grab you while you're airborne? I've had good results by hopping around randomly). If they're smart, they'll smokebomb you and retreat, but if you're lucky, they'll keep coming back for more.
    vs Assault - You beat them at close range, they beat you at mid/long range. Throw a beacon or 2 to force them to retreat or commit (or die). Strafe a lot. Always be aware that they want to charge you so stand dance around the max range of their charge and bait it out. Once they're in range, then it's your kill to take.
    vs Sniper - Throw Airstrike beacons to force them to relocate. If you're going to sneak up on them, be ready to eat an ice trap. You can still shoot your shotgun normally while frozen. Usually a head to head duel will not happen; either you're too far to do any damage or too close for them to want to fight you. Don't get baited into traps and don't commit to the fight unless you know you have the kill.
  2. l3g1t

    l3g1t Member

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    I know I'm going to regret this...but here it goes. Another tip for a quick victory as an aggressive support. Start off upgrading your firebase and hack. Then rush right up to your enemies rockit turret and throw your firebase down (the turret will target your base first), then proceed to hack the enemy turret. If your successful you'll wind up taking that turret over. I would recommend taking gobi numb in order to take more damage if your firebase gets destroyed fast.

    Its a very high risk, high reward situation. But being successful can win you the match (in under a minute)
  3. Neargood

    Neargood New Member

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    LOL That's pretty funny, actually. It's a 1 minute gambit, so if it fails, you can even switch classes if you wanted :p.
  4. intelekt

    intelekt New Member

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    No offense.. but I started to read your post... then decided to read War and Peace instead... shorten it up friend.. Wrote a thesis on one class this guy did!
  5. Kinarion

    Kinarion New Member

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    Guide is much appreciated.

    Question: can you give any range estimate for the fire base? And does it fire 360 degrees around?

    I'm afraid to deploy it in some safer spots because I think it'll be out-ranged and useless.
  6. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I'm pretty sure it's 360 -- This is a very good guide, btw.

    I usually deploy my firebase near a wall, stand behind the wall and heal it, then hack it as my cooldown wears off.
  7. sokoto

    sokoto New Member

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    I also main support and my best suggestions are below.

    I usually try to play around my firebase, I make sure its upgraded to 3 and hacked if possible and I always use my air strikes constantly. I always stay within close range of my fire base that way if assassins commit to grappling me they will die from my turret. I also always try to get high ground and support works amazing with a sniper. The sniper sets up traps will your firebase is shooting and you are air striking them. This combo is amazing and add an agressive gunner or tank to the mix and you have an easy win.
  8. Neargood

    Neargood New Member

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    Yea this is a pretty long guide. I played a long session of MNC and decided to take a break by writing about it. Then I went back to playing some more. :D

    I can't seem to get as many kills with any of the other supposedly more kill-centric classes. Airstrikes just seems to be the best all-purpose nuking option in the game. It's OP, right? It's not just me?
  9. trindermon

    trindermon New Member

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    great little guide tbh, you should take the best that others have to offer from other folks and edit it in (with there permission).

    My 2 Cents, for a slightly more defensive support class it is ALWAYS best to upgrade your passive HP skill first, this will save you from early game raids by assassins whilst your going aorund protecting and upgrading the base.

  10. Neargood

    Neargood New Member

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    I think choosing between Firebase 2 and Passive 2 as an opening skill point depends on the map and if there are enemies on the other team. It's always a good idea to check the enemy composition at the start of the match by pressing Back.

    There's one particular map where I like Firebase 2 every time, though... the one with the um... gazebo in the middle of the donut. I pop a Firebase down behind one of the center columns, usually the furthest left or right column on my side, and then alternate Airstriking the waves of robots coming from left and right.
  11. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Good strategy.

    Oh, and now i want a donut.
  12. joshdale

    joshdale New Member

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    This is great strategy for the Support class. I have to disagree with the Hacking ability being an end game focus. Using Long Turrets with the hacked ability is a great way to rack up some quick kills. Also, if you have most of the Turrets hacked around you then it benefits your team in all aspects of the game.

    All in all, a great strategy...THANX!!!
  13. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    Airstrike is almost god like. You can one shot any class with it, I believe, except for possibly upgraded Tanks.
  14. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    IMO airstrike is the easiest way for a triple kill.
  15. Proven

    Proven New Member

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    Oh, and about the triple kill... I thought it was 3 people at once, but it's a multikill in the sense of getting 3 kills in rapid succession. Knowing that, it's easiest to get them while on a Juice spree, and I often get them while playing Support (shotgun one hits!) and Tank.
  16. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Stealing a turret right at the start generally does throw the entire enemy team off for most of the rest of the match. It's very high risk as you said and if any member of the enemy team catches you doing it you're almost guaranteed to die before pulling it off lol.
  17. Frankie Godskin

    Frankie Godskin New Member

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    The problem's your reading comprehension. This guy didn't write a wall of text, he presented a carefully thought-out guide others can benefit from, laid out in an easy-to-read manner.

    My friend plays Support and I'm going to e-mail him the link to this thread for some pointers. Great guide.
  18. UnderWire

    UnderWire New Member

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    Oh are you now? I'm just surprised a gunner like you can even read :mrgreen:
    Seriously, though. I fully support this thread.

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