So I finally decided to try the PC version out

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Liefglinde, February 14, 2011.

  1. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Here are just some general thoughts I have on what I've experienced so far.

    ~ The general skill level is much lower than on the PC. Players seem to have little sense of what teamwork is (even less than those on the 360) and it was very easy for me to single handedly carry my team in every game. In fact, I earned my Over 9000 protag already.
    ~ While the skill level is lower, I have yet to see all of those no armor wearing face stabbing Assassins yet. The ones I have seen are, at the very least, semi competent.
    ~ The first game I played, I went Assassin. I figured I could deal with no armor. I went 11-3, first on my team. I was immediately accused of hacking because for some reason a level 0 Assassin cannot actually do well.
    ~ I went 12-0 in the next game with different people. Again, accused of hacking.
    ~ As my level started increasing, the hacking accusations stopped.
    ~ The one class I truly fear on the PC is the Sniper, because for some reason they tend to have impeccable aim.
    ~ The games were most definitely not without lag. Although they were better than most of the games I find on the 360 (lag-wise) I still experienced a bit of irritating lag.

    The thing I noticed the most though, is the attitude of the community. My simple "ggs" were met with harsh words and insults. Hopefully this will change with time.

    All in all, I'm definitely liking the PC version, and will continue to play it. With my 360 controller, of course :p
  2. GheP

    GheP New Member

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    Online gaming on the PC is a harsh world, welcome ;)

    I've played CS 1.6 since the beginning. You can thank Sierra Entertainment for all the pompous douche bag commentary. Lovely hiding behind a wall called the "Internet."
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Yeah, your experience on the console will definitely give you a leg-up against people of similar rank.

    Assassins are generally regarded poorly for two reasons; bad ones that don't know what to do, and the good ones that do know what to do. But you'd have a good idea of that anyway. ;p
  4. Good_Apollo

    Good_Apollo New Member

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    Wait you find the people on XBL to be friendlier and work as a team better than on the PC? Must be bizarro XBL...
  5. PezD

    PezD New Member

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    1. Play with friends. (Who know what they are doing.)
    2. ???
    3. Enjoy teamwork.
  6. adx

    adx New Member

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    had to be done

  7. Caliostro

    Caliostro New Member

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    Don't forget the game JUST came out on the PC. A lot of the community is still trying to figure out what's what.

    That said, based on the gameplay videos I saw of the 360 I definitely find the PC community far more "competent". It's just disorganized at this point.
  8. NeoCyberman

    NeoCyberman Active Member

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    Most of the matches I've played when someone says Good Game or when I compliment an enemy assassin I'm usually met with a thank you or both teams say Good Game at the end of a match. Its like a friendly handshake, if you give one first you will get one back.

    Also, XBL friendly? Pfffft.

    Offtopic: How do you voice chat?
  9. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    press t as in talk
  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Most people don't think all the way through, didn't realize you were a vet xbox player. I still use my controller for assassin and assault on computer.

    Lief, you do realize that snipers aim better with mouse, but did you know (since you don't play sniper and I do sometimes) that his M21 was traded for a R700 in this game? He only has 4 round clip, and they are thinking of making him break aim between every shot now.

    Anywho, I found general skill to be HIGHER than xbox, although i've seen bad before. I think computer gamers have better access to the forums, plus with a keyboard there is NO reason to not communicate. Thus, all computer gamers know basic assassin tricks, like armor and lunge-grapple. I really don't remember the last time a computer assassin tried to walk up in front of me, they pretty much all uncloak and approach from behind, or they lunge-grapple.
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Whenever I talk on XBL, I'm usually responded to by people complimenting me, saying "good game" or mildly complaining about their teammates. On the PC it was straight up insults.

    Yeah I'm not blaming the PC community for not being good or anything, I'm fully aware that the PC version just came out. And I tend to meet more competent players on Xbl, but hey, I've only played on the PC for a couple hours so far.

    It was the complete opposite for me when I said good game. :shock: That aside, like I said, generally I get ggs back from people with mics on XBL.

    Even though they didn't realize I had been playing on XBL for a while now, that doesn't mean they should go ahead and automatically assume I'm a hacker.

    Yeah I know all about the Sniper's ease of use and weapon nerf. And I completely agree with it. Snipers are scary on PC.

    I have yet to be lunge grappled... heck, I've only done it once myself because it rarely connects. From what I've seen, anyway.
  12. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Welcome to the dark side Lief!

    Glad to see you had no problems adapting to the PC version.
  13. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    Just went 23-24-0 so not at all :D FEAR MY ASSASSIN.
  14. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    There was a person Yesterday accusing Grimbar of hacking, and saying it was impossible to reliably have a KDR over 10.

    If he sees this thread, and your posts... he'll have a heart attack. lol.
  15. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Not to hijack but my name is grimbar, I am not important enough for fancy capital letters.

    He may have a heart attack but since his posting capability is on cooldown we won't have to suffer.

    To the OP: Play more, you'll notice good people sooner or later.
  16. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I would be good at PC version if I could use the controls right.
  17. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    360 controller is where it's at :p
  18. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I can't aim worth poop with it, I'm almost positive they don't have aim assist on for it.
  19. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Probably not. Any form of aim assist on the PC is a big no, no. If you play Sin or Support it shouldn't be much of a problem though. And you can probably get away with some builds for Gunner, Tank and Assault too.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    I swear the support is the perfect counter-class for the assault. The assaults I were facing were wolf-packs, and still couldn't reliably get kills on what I was healing. God I love MNC for steam.

    I still love xbox MNC, Street Fighter, Castlevania, Guitar Hero, and the such, but this is still good stuff nonetheless. Hope now that the steam platform has had plentiful updates, Uber will copy-paste some of it over for a XBox update/dlc.

    I been into the tank. Gold Skill, Silver Rate, Bronze Reload. Especially AmmoMule. Just spam product nade while charging between each lane, periodically going out to keep assassins off bots. Long range with high self-defence.

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