Someone on the Steam Forum's made a VERY good game mode idea

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by The Sane One, February 14, 2011.

  1. The Sane One

    The Sane One New Member

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    I just thought that the people over at these forums (The one Uber Employees probably read more often) would like to hear about. ... ?t=1754692

    It is, in its purest form, a versus variant of Blitz, where both teams can directly influence the others waves of bots. The main idea about this game mode is how to spend your and your teams money. Do you spend it on defending yourself from the hordes the other team is sending, or do you save up to create a huge, theoretically unstoppable wave of bots?
  2. Xx Tikki xX

    Xx Tikki xX New Member

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    i think someone brought something like this when it was just on xbox, im not 100% sure though
  3. xS m o k 3 z

    xS m o k 3 z New Member

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    yea someone alrdy did, but its a lot like the warcraft 3 the frozen throne custom game idea. Send units or upgrade ur hero to defend the units from getting in. Which would honestly be the only way the game type would work. With turrets up, like rocket turrets at lvl 3, would just defeat the whole purpose of big clumps of bots because of their aoe. Same goes for the sniper and tank aoe. On the other hand, it could work if you bought a wave of bots and sent them according to a lane. So by having 5 lanes of bots would be harder to take care of and harder to watch out for. I still would like it if it was just pros clearing bots and not turrets though. (maybe just 5 turret nodes and not like 12)

    xS m o k 3 z opinion and that is all.
  4. Future Tense

    Future Tense New Member

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    I cosign on this. It holds true to the gameplay and sounds like fun.
  5. Good_Apollo

    Good_Apollo New Member

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    Seems pretty superfluous since Crossfire accomplishes almost the exact style of gameplay with minor differences. Unless Pros can't attack each other? So it's like...CrossBlitz?
  6. PezD

    PezD New Member

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    This gamemode would be a nice change from the usual Pro-killing, but would still be competitive and seems like it could be a lot of fun!

    I approve. :ugeek:
  7. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    The Bots would have to level up like they do in Blitz, and it wouldn't be my cup of tea.
  8. bhaal177

    bhaal177 Member

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    This game mode almost seems like the perfect way to spam support, assassins, and tanks but no other classes. Nobody would want to play as the assault as he's not designed as a bot killer. He's designed as a pro harasser. The gunner is also very poor at taking out bots and since the tank can spawn bouncers, he's a more viable option. A sniper would be okay in the beginning... But, as bots leveled up, he would become obsolete as they would move too quickly and have too much HP for a head shot or the explosive bolt to consistantly take bots down.

    In blitz this works as it's not really a competetive environment. It's pro's vs the environment and a means of learning each pro's skill set. If you made that a PvP scenario, it almost seems like it's a sin to knock out half the class selection.

    Usually, I can come up with ways around this fact. But I guess I'm narrow minded today because I see no way to incorporate all the pros. Maybe let the Assault invade the other pros world for a price and harass the other team? Give the sniper a perch that lets him fire off at the pros on the other team, punishing them for staying out of cover? I don't know what to do about the gunner, though.
  9. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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  10. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Fixed that for ya.

    Yah, it was some idea where each team can't directly go to each other's base, so it's bot attack and bot defence only. Each bot wave gets stronger, like blitz, and you can buy bots. So, it's a mix between bot buying and bot defending. Whoever outlasts bots longer wins.

    If nobody noticed though, the assassin, support, and tank are the ONLY ones played in blitz. See a balance issue coming?
  11. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    I play Sniper in the Scramble blitz all the time... it's fun :p

    That aside, I do like this idea very much. So what if it only involves 3 classes? That's basically what Blitz involves :p
  12. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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