Cheaters is a disaster of any game, sometimes it's fun, sometimes not, all in different ways, in this video is the use of cheats or something something else?
thats someone on your own team being a complete moron and deleting all 3 commanders, it does sometimes happen in shared army team games if you don't know who you are playing with.
Cheating in PA is almost impossible some People from top teams tried one night to code some and you can't Back on topic its just idiot Deleting all 3 coms it happens so just don't play Team Games with shared army's
About cheating, you can break Cheat Engine, when the game starts there are three types of processes: PA.exe CoherentUI_Host.exe*32 server.exe - server appears only if the presence of other players and you master host So, the process server can be hacked, you can vystovit speedhack, you can break the resources and other parameters, so that the creation multipleerovsky cheating is possible.
If you play normal online games that server.exe runs on a server contolled by Uber. You have no access to it. So basically you have to trust the server. If the server is run by a private person that person can cheat in theory. However such servers are possible but very rare and only accessible via modding right now. Ranked games for example are ever only played on servers hosted by Uber. Same with normal public games.
he did have some justification for detonating. from what i can see, you guys had no hope of winning. they had all but beaten you. still, kind of a **** move. at least ask your team first. this is why there should be a vote when someone tries to delete commanders. uber pls.
I don't think someone deleting all of the team commanders is 'cheating' if they're on the team. It's a **** move, and one of the few reasons rightly cited as why players don't like share all, but it's not cheating. I would keep this in mind when choosing whether to play teams with share all on or off. The amount of trolls is small, but they do exist, so knowing your teammates won't screw you or the entire team is absolutely invaluable. A good example of actual cheating in PA would be like using scripts to control your units' micro without your control. That's gaining an unfair advantage, no matter how much time, effort, or thought was put into the script. Even if the script is gloriously coded and is of the highest of quality, it's still unfair, and still cheating. I've actually seen one of the top players use this kind of script while watching multiple replays. I won't say who, but they know who they are.