New User guide: Feedback wanted

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by jables, December 10, 2014.

  1. Matster

    Matster Active Member

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    Yes that's what I mean't. Sometimes its hard to find the right word for some stuff if english is not your native language :)
    igncom1 likes this.
  2. sius

    sius New Member

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    This one is simple as it comes up all the time I've tried to teach friends to play.

    - Press N to align to pole north
    - Pole lock as an option is a thing in the menus

    So much frustration is often averted with new comers when they get their orientation / positioning back to a set perspective.

    It can make new players much more at ease - round maps sure can be cRAzY the 1st time. ^^
    cdrkf likes this.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I catch myself trying to drag the view all the time. After the 3rd time in the same video, I feel like a derp.
  4. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    Already on it myself, should be out hopefully by the 25th
    drz1 and LmalukoBR like this.
  5. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    I noticed in the area command display the air units are double-clicked to select all of them.

    Might want to add "double-click to select all on screen" somewhere.
  6. Burpleronnie

    Burpleronnie New Member

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    remember to mention "shift+f2" - select all idle factories. This one is very useful.
    It would be nice to have select idle factories along with select all fabs as a UI element.

    eg single click the button to select all idle on screen, double click for all idle on the planet, along with the number of each available.

    Also as an aside on usability, i think mimicking Sins of a Solar Empires interplanetary view might be useful. (See the brackets around the planet icons, friendly units on the left, structures friend and foe on the bottom, hostile units on the right)


    I'm not sure of the exact way you'd want to implement it. But a bar or two displaying an approximate number of units and structures on a planet would be very useful. Also a marker for the presence of a superweapon that is visible from space. The hostile unit bar could be based on currently visible units + mobile radar blips(units). The structure tab could consist of scouted structures + stationary radar blips(structures).

    Also if the game could pop out into an "interplanetary view" after getting a certain distance from a planet to save time and stop needing to re-orientate the view every time you go there. This could operate in a similar manner to clicking the solar system button in the solar system tab.
    Last edited: December 13, 2014
    pieman2906 likes this.
  7. Matster

    Matster Active Member

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    Actually there would be good if there were three new buttons implemented instead of giving them shorcuts for it and placed somewhere in the UI - one for idle fabs, one for idle factories and one for idle military units - its somehow common stuff in RTS games to have those buttons if you wan't to make game easier on people.
    klavohunter and kaminfreunde like this.
  8. badfucatus

    badfucatus Active Member

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    I think making it easier to select all air, tanks, bot, etc would be a good idea. Or at least making that very clear, I forget that all the time...
  9. empyreanguard

    empyreanguard Member

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    Nothing on how to enable local server/offline game?
    squishypon3 and cola_colin like this.
  10. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    very good point. Here the launcher probably should have a new "launch offline" option though
    squishypon3, kayonsmit101 and igncom1 like this.
  11. burntcustard

    burntcustard Post Master General

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    Some of these points may be repeats of what I've already said in this thread, but haven't been addressed yet.

    The economy and resources page shows a video clip of a fabricator building a pgen, and then another fabricator being told to build a separate line of pgens and it makes me want to kill myself.

    The currently selected page should be highlighted in the list on the left.

    "Left Click" should not be capitalized?

    Full stops?

    Fabrication Units tab says that fabbers can be built by Vehicle, Air, Naval, Bot and Orbital factories, but doesn't mention the unit cannon!

    "Energy and Metal resources gets consumed while building" - Please fire whoever wrote that if English is their native language ;)

    "If you're consuming more than you are producing, build efficiency slows down [...] As Efficiency percentage lowers, all fabbers, factories and Commanders build slower" Should be changed to: "If you're consuming more than you are producing, build efficiency lowers and all construction units build slower. If you're feeling fancy, on the words "construction units", a tooltip or link to text that rips all the construction units (factories, fabbers etc.) into a list for the user to see would be good.

    Economy and Resources, and the Metal and Energy Resources tab still contain duplicate information.

    Important Hotkety page is blank for a second (could be a while on slow PCs) while it loads in the users hotkeys. These could be loaded in the background while the player guide is up?

    Commander Basics doesn't mention the Uber cannon. It could also suggest repairing your commander when he is damaged.

    Commander Basics states "Commander starts with energy and metal resources", which is too ambiguous. Does it mean he starts with resources stored? He creates resources? It should instead state exactly what eco he produces, and say something like "that's enough to run a few factories just off the commanders income!" to stop new players spamming eco at the start.

    Local games should automatically pause when the Player Guide is up.

    Area Commands still doesn't mention area patrol making fabbers assist, and it doesn't mention area reclaim.

    Factories page, "Control + Left Click a unit to put that unit in the top of the build queue" suggests that after that unit is created, it stays in the build queue if it's on repeat, which is false, it doesn't.

    Factories page needs to include repeat build, pausing, and cancelling factories information.

    The plus character '+' looks like ****.

    "Go between planets using the planet menu" instructs new players to use the second worst (slowest) method of jumping the camera between planets, it needs to mention the button that toggles between planets, and camera anchors.

    Fabrication Units page should mention that fabricators require energy and metal to build stuff (preferable exact values). Also an air fabber is used in the video to build stuff in the players base, which is a bad subliminal-suggestion.
    zihuatanejo and cwarner7264 like this.
  12. wondible

    wondible Post Master General

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    Minor annoyance: I don't like using units as bullets unless you are talking about that unit specifically. My brain wants to associate each fact with that specific fabber or factory.
    burntcustard likes this.
  13. DeathByDenim

    DeathByDenim Post Master General

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    Ah, so that's what they are supposed to be. :)
    I couldn't figure out why the text was associated with those very specific units.
  14. sius

    sius New Member

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    Another one top of my head - made things easier once I picked it up. - sorry if its been mentioned and didn't spot it...

    One off prompt unit build - select factory then hold 'Control' Key + left click on unit to create = brings unit selected to front of queue and is NOT included in any repeat builds.

    A little advanced, but saved me all kinds of heart break from having to start over a build list once I got the hang of it.

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