Uber cannon

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ace902902, December 11, 2014.

  1. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    I'm running this idea past you because I think it would be very appealing to all you micro haters out there. Why not make the ubercannon automatic, letting the comm use its full combat power even if we aren't babysitting it? Of course, u can still micro his uber cannon if you want, but it would make front line pushes with your comm possible even if you need to control something back at your base at the same time. Surprize attacks would also be heald off better.
  2. Yaegz

    Yaegz Active Member

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    Don't think this would work well at all. What happens when you want to manually control him and then he auto hits one tank instead of waiting? The game is not micro intensive as is, imo there is no need for this. There is literally one activated ability in the game and it is the uber cannon, I think we can handle one ability.
    K1S3L, xankar, mered4 and 4 others like this.
  3. infowars

    infowars Member

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    I remember it was very easy to edit the D-gun in TA so it was automatic. It had it's moments, but early on you want to control that manually for better effect.

    Which is why I gave the core commander a scatterfire D-Gun and the arm a rapid fire D-Gun.
    theseeker2 likes this.
  4. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    could be made via prioritysation depending on how many units and how dangerous they are the comm decides himself when to ubercannon
    it can be however overwritten by manual input .. or have an option for autoubercannon on/off
    Pendaelose, ace902902 and klavohunter like this.
  5. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    What mr tbsc said is what I was thinking of. A button to trigger auto fire of the uber cannon.
  6. cptusmc

    cptusmc Active Member

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    Why not have a control on the side bar like autobuild for factories? So, you can switch between auto use for the uber cannon and manual use for the uber cannon. I think something like that would work well.
    tenaciousc and klavohunter like this.
  7. Zaphys

    Zaphys Well-Known Member

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    Options are always good, but don't take away the fun comm micro.
    mered4 likes this.
  8. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    It's not. In a hairy situation, a manually aimed UC shot will almost always be more effective than an auto-fired one. Have you seen the AI use the ubercannon? He sucks. REALLY BADLY.
    ArchieBuld, igncom1 and squishypon3 like this.
  9. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    If they even remember they own one, a automatic UC would actually be an improvement to the AI use of them.
  10. Matster

    Matster Active Member

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    Actually ace what you are talking about was implemented for Noah Unit Cannon in SupCom 2 if im not mistaken so its not that farfetched.

    Edit: After reading vrishnak post just disregart my post I misread the unit name :)
    Last edited: December 12, 2014
  11. vrishnak92

    vrishnak92 Active Member

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    He is most definitely not talking about the Unit Cannon (supcom equive: Noah Unit Cannon) he is talking about the Uber Cannon (supcom equive: Overcharge). Please make sure you know what your reading before you make a reply, everyone else here knew exactly what he was talking about.

    Back on topic, I agree with the ability to have a togglable Autofire for the commanders Uber Cannon (bolding, underlining, and italicising these words to... Idiot proof what I'm talking about here). Hey @jables do you think this could be done perchance?

    Edit: @Matster just so you know, there was no Autofire for the Noah Unit Cannon from Supcom 2, get your fact straight.
    Matster likes this.
  12. Matster

    Matster Active Member

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    I really misread the name of the unit. It happens. Eitherway the commander cannon with autofire would be a nice feature for people who wan't less micro but on the other side the cannon could fire at the wrong moment and destroy only one unit with it. Regarding Noah I must have probably used a mod that enabled autofire (as in you set a place and it continously fires built units to that spot when they are built) for that cannon then. Anyway thanks for correcting me.
    Last edited: December 12, 2014

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